dry practical details

(unopened) Plate II (between pp 18-19) illustrating Stephen C. Crone, “Observations on Pillar Working in the Northumberland and Durham Collieries,” in Transactions, North of England Institute of Mining Engineers, vol. 9 (1860-61): 17-28. (Google Books image here )
Showing pillars in old workings at greater depths, occasioning a slight feeling of regret at the great loss of coal sustained by this system of working…
in comparison to modern methods.
The danger of working in these mines is quite palpable in this fascinating text.
Not to be confused with The 892 unique ways to partition a 3 x 4 grid,
otherwise known as William Drenttel and Jessica Helfand, US Patent 7124360, Method and system for computer screen layout based on recombinant geometric modular structure (2006).
Concludes thus
It is extremely difficult to make dry practical details generally interesting, but, if I have succeeded in making my communication useful, I will be amply repaid.
20 October 2012
tags: coal; mining; pillar working; dry practical details; Stephen C. Crone