detail (and turned 90º clockwise), marbled rear endpaper, Bavarian State Library copy of
J. H. Basedow (educational theorist, reformer; 1724-1790 *), Ueberzeugende Methode der ... angewendeten Arithmetik. (Altona, 1763) — title here, marbled page here.
I imagine abstracted young minds drifting through these arithmetical currents and eddies, more theoretical than their tiresome sums. Akin to looking into embers in the hearth; like something asleep in asphalt.
In the asphalt over which he passed, his steps awakened an echo.
ex Walter Benjamin, Tiergarten,
in Berlin Childhood around 1900
23 November 2012
tags: asphalt; detours; paper, marbled; reves; J. E. Basedow; Walter Benjamin