and thus all three appear to us

Fig. 3.
Thin section, in polarized light, of a portion of the Shaft of the Egyptian Obelisk erected in Central Park, New York.
cropped from dark background.
Illustrating Persifor Frazer, Notes from the Literature on the Geology of Egypt, and Examination of the Syenitic Granite of the Obelisk which Lieut. Com’d’r Gorringe, U.S.N., Brought to New York.
Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers XI (May 1882 to February 1883) : 353-366
commencing thus —
The subject of Egypt, to use the words of perhaps the second of modern writers on the subject [Deodat. de Dolomieu, in Observations sur la Physique, etc., January, 1793, vol. xlii., pp. 41+, 108 +; Abbé Rozier, J. A. Mongez, and J. C. Delametherie, Paris], is one which strongly excites our interest, and everything relating to it demands our respect. Thus,
he continues, the Greeks appeared to the Romans,
... thus Egypt appeared to the Greeks, and thus all three appear to us.
25 November 2012
tags: polarised light; rounds; ruination; Persifor Frazer; examination of the synetic granite (1883)