the combined effects of emotion
Fig. 2.—B. (cropped, rotated 90º ccw)
“Section of cerebellum of soldier who was wounded while fighting in the trenches in France. His wound was not dressed until about four hours later and it was four days before he reached the American Ambulance, where he died after an operation for resection of the fractured head of femur. He was without food for nine hours. This shows the disintegration of the Purkinje cells caused by the combined effects of emotion, exhaustion, loss of sleep, pain, infection and surgical shock.”
George W. Crile (1864-1943 *). “Notes on Military Surgery.” Annals of Surgery 62:1 (July 1915) : 1-10
Harvard copy, digitized April 6, 2007
Crile authored, inter alia, The Origin and Nature of the Emotions : Miscellaneous Papers (1915)
aetiologies; combined effects; disintegration; emanations; emotion
G. W. Crile, “Notes on Military Surgery” (1915)