near, far. nothing, nowhere.
porch views
Cambridge, 18 July 2015
Was. Porch.
Xaf. Window. 54
Buka. Light.
Burka. Dark.
Bula. Right.
Buma. Wrong.
Buna. Straight.
Bupa. Crooked.
Buqa. More.
Bura. Less.
Busa. Near.
Buta. Far, remote.
Buva. Durable.
Buwa. Adjacent.
Buxa. Nothing.
Buya. Nowhere. 143
extracts from Andrew Hallner (1846-1930 *), The Scientific Dial Primer, Containing universal code elements of universal language, new base for mathematics, etc. (1912)
more on this (and other) religious / missions codes
far; near; nothing; nowhere; telegraphic codes; windows
A. Hallner, The Scientific Dial Primer (1912)