said and done
Tafel XIX. Nr. 81.
100×. Schnitt vom Rand der Nierenpapille einer pyelonephritischen Niere...
Cut from the edge of a renal papilla pyelonephritic kidney...
(a third presentation, cropped to square)
illustrating Robert Koch (1843-1910 *, *). “Zur Untersuchung von pathogen Organismen.” Mittheilungen aus dem Kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamte I (1881) : 1-48
reprinted in Gesammelte Werke I, Schwalbe et al, eds. (Leipzig, 1912) : 112-163
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Library & Archives copy,
rekbo rekcu rekdy repde repep repfi repgo repos |
Rut(s) Get out of the ruts In the ruts There is much to be said about There is much to be said against here is much to be said in favour of There is much to be said on both sides When all is said and done |
ex The Salvation Army Telegraph Code, No. 2 (1925)
described (among religious and missions codes) here
openings; thicket
R. Koch, “Zur Untersuchung von pathogen Organismen.” (1881); The Salvation Army Telegraph Code (1925)