erratics / 1
the latter body 19
until there is a body 30
only the body 93
increase in body 93
a gravitating body 134
in the body of the till, at three distinct horizons 210
from the main body 249
in the same body 261
some small body 263
a central body 263
persist. this entire body 298
delta-like, into a shallow body of water, perhaps yet brackish 326
shallow body of water and did not spread 327
not encroaching to any extent on its main body 328
movement in the main body 329
intrusive body 364
body of finer drift 400
earlier and more widespread body 404
this ice body found such outlets as were available and at least two tongues pushed northward 429
quickly cooled 463
body, or in closely associated separate bodies 467
body of water 506
body of new material 675
body of the report 676
body from which the fragments came 737
from the outcrop of the body 737
age. the body 762
every body (adjacency only for 463) ex Journal of Geology 20 (1912)
Harvard copy
Smithsonian copy
body; erratics; outcrop geology; W. Howchin