from the photograph of a duck
annuals, change to biennials or perennials 335
caused little change in the conducting apparatus 7
slight external change, as may be seen from the photograph of a duck 11
nothing could change its rigid laws 40
a similar change has been reported 142
an acidifying change in which 166
the smallest change in 194
what passed in his mind revealed to him a change.
It was not that his conceptions had changed in the course of years, but rather his feelings and sensations 252
change in the intensity of these last 252
change in the qualities 329
ex Elie Metchnikoff (1845-1916 *). The Prolongation of Life : Optimistic Studies (1908) *
something more recent on Elie Metchnikoff
originally a post to Poster poems on the theme change, but slightly changed here (last line moved to first).
the aging process; change; vanitas; vanitas vanitatum omnia vanitas; E. Metchnikoff