brought together, pulled apart
Taf. VII (facing 336; unopened plate; vertical rule replacing fold edge)
ex Francesco Niosi. "Die Mesenterialzysten embryonalen Ursprungs nebst einigen Bemerkungen zur Entwicklungs-geschichte der Nebennieren-Rindensubstanz sowie zur Frage des Chorionepitheioms." Archiv für pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und für klinische Medizin 190 (Folge XVIII. Band X.). Berlin, 1907 : 217-338
University of Illinois copy, no date of digitization
from drafts (March 8, 2016)
Collections: wholes and not wholes; brought together, pulled apart; sung in unison, sung in conflict; and from all things one and from one all things.
— Heraclitus, Fragment 40.
ex Daniel W. Graham, trans. and ed., The Texts of Early Greek Philosophy : The Complete Fragments and Selected Testimonies of the Major Presocratics (2010)
all tagged Heraclitus
all tagged mereology
all tagged rounds
5 October 2016
tags: Heraclitus; F. Niosi; annotations; mereology; orbits; rounds