of which the subject is usually not aware
rear flyleaf (detail, inverted)
The Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Vol. III (1908-1909)
Stanford copy, no date of digitization
In this account the term subconscious is used in the sense of co-conscious which is also employed as a synonym, meaning split-off, dissociated ideas of which the subject is usually not aware, but which, nevertheless, are in activity at a given moment. Co-conscious therefore implies doubling of consciousness.
ex (this volume) Morton Prince (1854-1929 *) and Frederick Peterson. Experiments in psycho-galvanic reactions from co-conscious (sub-conscious) ideas in a case of multiple personality.
(June-July 1908): 114-131 (115)
9 October 2016
tags: Frederick Peterson; Morton Prince; blue; co-consciousness; figures; latihan; split-off dissociated ideas