the o-céan are; and o-céan, the
and the o-cean roughens
and the o-cean shakes
the o-cean shakes
the o-céan shakes
our o-céan home
the o-céan and
the o-céan where
fleeting o-cean, thanks
as the o-cean
less as the o-cean
restless as the o-cean
slumbering on the o-cean
tar on the o-cean
on the o-cean wave
like an o-cean bird
the o-céan bird
of the o-cean
of the o-cean
across the trackless o-cean
to the o-cean
to the o-céan, the
out on the o-cean
is the o-cean how
is the o-céan how
on an o-céan all
out on an o-cean all
if you cannot on the o-céan sail
the o-cean Oh
the o-céan Oh
the o-céan And
the o-céan wave
an o-cean bird
like the o-céan bird
the o-céan are
Last o-cean
And o-céan, The
year indicates publication date of source for immediately preceding lines, as encountered in a google books search.
emphatic é, introduced.
all instances were in song books.
tags: e; é; ocean; onsense; song books