lease each end, plenty of water
Signal Simmer Simpleton Sincere Sinewy Sinister Sinless Sirloin Sister Skeleton Skillful Skipper Sluggish Slumber Soldier Sonata |
268 ends, 400 yards. 268 ends, 500 yards. 378 ends, 4000 yards. 378 ends, 6000 yards. 864 ends, 1000 yards. 1000 ends, 600 yards. 1000 ends, 1000 yards. 1200 ends, 600 yards. No cuts, 2 in a pin, pin and thread lease each end, plenty of water bands. No cuts, 4 in a pin, pin and thread lease each end, plenty of water bands. Double thread lease each end and every 250 yards space one foot apart. Double thread lease each end and every 500 yards space one foot apart. Chain yarps. Ball warps. Warps of good description. Open lease throughout. |
The only signs I am sure of are signs in words. In the cemetery after the birds had drifted past, I looked for the nearest words.
The nearest words were on the nearest grave. Some of the words were in English...
Warp Specifications, Yarn Telegraphic Code (Catlin & Company, 1909)
Gerald Murnane, Inland (1988; Faber paperback, 1990) : 168
LEASE, n., v.2 —
The division of the threads made in a warp before it is put on the loom...
a continuous, coherent sequence... the thread of a discourse...
— Dictionary of the Scots Language here
yarps — typo for warps?
tags: a continuous coherent sequence; lease; near; telegraphic codes; yarn; yarp; Gerald Murnane