rather :::::o: antangle both
“rather darken then enlighten, rather :::::o: antangle both...
then unfold the text.
There are brarum quam . at least”
one landing in long-ago google search for “antagle”
OCR misread at page 831 of
Joseph Caryl (1602-73 *) his An Exposition with Practicall Observations continued upon The Thirty Second, the Thirty Third, and the Thirty Fourth Chapters of the Booke of Job : Being The Substance of Forty-nine Lectures, delivered at Magus neare the Bridge, London (1661)
BL copy, digitized October 2, 2018
the world is hidden by significance
ex Rosmarie Waldrop, “Reading Freud,” in Grand Street 46 (Summer 1993),
retitled (and somewhat revised) as “Linguistic Archeology” in Gap Gardening : Selected Poems (2016): 197-199 (198)
tags: antangle; the Great Ejection; :; Joseph Caryl; Rosmarie Waldrop