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but we must pause

whether they believe it or not.
To which I answer,— 1. It is written,
not a pleasant one: and
whether they believe it or not
doing what I have ;
but whether they believe it or not,
it is not the less true
Those downy doctors,
that recumbent virtues preach
who will swear any thing,
and subscribe any thing, no matter
whether they believe it or not,
for the
                  purpose of doing what I have;
but whether they believe it or not,
it is not the less true,
since I have only acted by virtue of
whether they believe it or not :
That in consequence of
whether they believe it or not;
otherwise they must be required
to believe a lie
when they enter the theatre,
whether they believe it or not,
they are on a level with all who herd there
without evidence, and
which is not true in itself,
whether they believe it or not.
It would be almost endless to take notice
of every absurdity
and the marrow-men...
whether they believe it or not...
But we must pause for the present
whether they believe it or not,
they are forced to contribute


1 of 2

4 October 2019

tags: believe it or not; latihan; marrow-men; niche; not; of every absurdity; or; whether