any good yarn; any yarn
thumb-tabbed fore-edge (detail)
Telegraphic Code, William Whitman Co., Ltd. (Boston, 1922)
from whose phrases (printed and *handwritten), these —
Eminence, Any good yarn.
Emissary, Any yarn.
Emphatic, Lace curtain yarn.
Emplore, Seine twist.
Emptional, Buttonhole cord.
Empuse, Hose cord.
Emputa, Tire cord.
Empyrical, Broadbent wind.
Emroff, Camless wind.
Emrods, Foster wind.
Enactor, Universal wind.
Enamel, Turns of twist per inch single.
Enamor, Turns of twist per inch doubling.
Enarch, Doubling twist.
Enargite, Dry twist.
Enascent, Filling twist.
Encage, Hard twist.
Encamp, Hosiery twist.
Encanker, Jacket twist.
Encapo, Knitting twist.*
Encenter, Lisle twist.
Encore, Medium twist.
Encowl, Mercerizing twist.
Encradle, Regular twist yarn (meaning warp twist in both single and twisted).
Encreel, Reverse thread twist.
Encrinal, Reverse twist.
Encrust, Soft twist.
Encyclic, (Yarn) for splicing.
Endocarp, Thread twist.
Endodal, Tire twist.
Endogency, Warp twist.
Enfired, Wet twist.
Enforcer, Ball warps.
Engarland, Chain warps.
Engild, 100 yards long.
Engirdle, 1000 yards long.
Englue, Ends in pin.
Engore, Ends in eye.
Engorge, Ends in warp.
Engrave, One warp on a roll.
Engross, Two warps on a roll.
Engalo, End and end lease.
Enrage, 0 cuts, 4 in pin.
Eyelid, Spoolers Knots.*
Eyepiece, Weavers Knots.*
Soberize, Twist on twist*
Sobriety, Twist against twist*
Sojurn, each twist*