senesations, to hang intonations on
du ressort des Bailliages & Senesation du 1
relations, how they are confined to
and terminate in ideas derived from senEsation and reflection, 2
senesation. The king of the island, 3
sagt lite, senesation “straks; men 4
say it was nothing, or just a senesation, which are alone deemed reasonable. 5
a senesation in London, and his But even 6
Formality crampe his style, he gets us into a “committee of the whole” — not an unpleasant senesation after one becomes accustomed to it. 7
patterns in senesation 8
the meaning of the word.
We are not interested in the relation of the words to the senesation, whatever it may be,
whether they are evoked by it,
or are regularly accompanied by it,
or give it an outlet. 9
To do this, you will raise the back of the tongue giving you the senesation of closing off the back of the throat with the tongue. 10
senesation from the core. 11
macrophyte senesation, initiation of 12
que toute une senesation déleves vous dif [ ] scolaire 7 word ‘cult’ in this context (it smacks. 13
a tingling senesation in the hand.” 14
disturbances of senesation with especial referance to the pain of 15
unsensed events. Experience is then a much more abstract matter than senesation. 16
sources (all typos and OCR misreads yielding inter alia the nonword senesation)
- OCR cross-column misread at entry for “Bailli, Bailliage,” in Dictionaire Universel, Chronologique et Historique, de Justice, Police, et Finances, Distribué par ordre de matieres. Contenant tous edits, declarations du Roy, Lettres Patentes, et Arrests du Conseil d’Etat, Rendus depuis l’année 600 jusques & compris 1720. Vol. 1 A—C (Paris, 1725) : 296
- OCR misread of italics, long s, at Book II, Chapter 26. “Of cause and effect, and other relations,” § 4, in An essay concerning human understanding; with Thoughts on the Conduct of the Understanding. By John Locke (collated with Desmaizeaux’s edition), vol. 2 (of 3; London, 1791) : 45
- OCR misread, of “veneration” at review of A Supplement to the Account of the Pelew Islands, compiled from the Journals of the Panther and the Endeavour... (1803), The Critical Review, Or, Annals of Literature, Third series, vol. 5 (London, 1805) : 269-274 (270)
- ex “Tvo lyvssyn. Fyredrag paa antslaerarmøtet paa Fagernes den 20-9-1909”, av høgskuestyrar (highschool head) O. E. Bø, in Norsk skoletidende (23 October 1909) : 725-733 (730)
preview snippet only, but OCR cross-column misread (third line from bottom, left column) evident at hathitrust
the passage (straight, containing “senesation,” in googled English :
“What we read today is forgotten tomorrow, and finally we get used to it, that during the day a man shoots in hell out of glass, so well, of course, little ‘senesation’ immediately; but for [after] a few hours, life is in [gets back to] its usual course.” - OCR cross-column misread, and accurate read of typographic error in the original, at “What Passes?”, from Just Human, by Dr. John Frank Crane, in Theosophical Outlook 4:17 (San Francisco, Saturday, April 26, 1919) : 135
- another cross-column misread, preserving the seminal typographic error, at “Music in Bohemia : Where there is a Slav woman, there is song” (from the New York Times), in The Argonaut vol. 84 (No. 2194; San Francisco, April 12, 1919) : 233
- snippet view, error unascertainable, at Aurora Sporealis (vol 5?, 1929) : 5
aside — “The news magazine of the Department of Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota” (hathitrust catalog record) - OCR cross-column misread, available only via snippet from somewhere in The Journal of Heredity vols. 54-55 (1963) : 166
- where this began — Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Grammar (Rush Rhees, ed., Anthony Kenny, trans., 1974) : 66
further down the same page (and a worthy motto to this enterprise) —
You might say that certain words are only pegs to hang intonations on. - snippet view of Jan A. Rigler, Flute Vocalization : An Integrated Approach to Performance (1996) : 14
this — (deep listening, &c.) - snippet view only, Michael Foster Roberts (1943-), Models for Heat Transfer and Thermoregulation of a Hairless Gerbil (University of Wisconsin – Madison, 1972) : 87
- snippet view only, Ecology Abstracts vol. 17 (issues 9001-11000) : 65
- snippet view only, Walter Strachan (“poet, translator and champion of the arts,” 1903-1994), Only Connect : Poets, Painters, Sculptors: Friendships and Shared Passions 1924-1994, edited, with an introduction and notes by Geoffrey Strachan (2005) : 243
Walter Strachan Collection (University of Manchester Library) — and very worth a read, I think. - Craig Conley, Magic Words: A Dictionary (2008) : 194
the passage, in full —
“Then, if the amulet is truly one of those I have described above, it will produce a tingling senesation in the hand.” —John Bellairs, The Figure in the Shadows (1975), regarding —
Immo Haud Daemonorum, / Umquam et Numquam, / Urbi et Orbi, Quamquam / Azazel Magnopere Thoth / et Urim et Thummim in Nomine Tetragrammaton. / Fiat, Fiat. Amen. - ex Literaturverzeichnis (Bibliography), reference to
Head, H.: “On disturbances of senesation with especial referance [sic] to the pain of visceral disease.” Brain, 17, 339 (1894). Kap. 13.
in Walther Birkmayer and Wilhelm Winkler, Klinik und Therapie der vegetativen Funktionsstörungen 2013 : 229
and at Springer (the publisher) - Joseph Agassi, Radiation Theory and the Quantum Revolution (1993) : 51
more of the same typo-ridden passage —
“Thoug [sic] sensed qualities are caused by some kind of events, not all the events of this kind are sensed. This then shows that the clear distinction between a sensation and its cause may lead to the discovery of unsensed events. Experience is then a much more abstract matter than senesation [sic]. Many philosophers said that the theory of light as waves is a mere fiction, as a sophisticated way of reporting sensations, as a mere instrument; the claim that visible light is a part of a bigger whole reverses the order of things: not sensations accomodate [sic] the theory, but the theory accomodates [sic] the sensations as it describes sensed objects which abide in physical space: it was not experiences but what is presumably experienced that science examines. This helps resolve the paradox of explanation: explaining experiences we also learn to correct them.
¶ Heat illustrates this better than ligt [sic]...”
Joseph Agassi (1927- ), philosopher of science; his pages at Tel Aviv University and wikipedia, student of Karl Popper, married to Judith Buber Agassi (1924-2018 *), scholar, daughter of Martin Buber.
from the preface to the same volume —
...error is not culpable and needs no defense, especially if it is useful but even if it is not.
subject to change (corrections, additions, deletions)