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still, still what . 3

“Nor I either. It’s a matter of taste and personal comfort. Still —”
“Still, what?”   ₁

                              ...I have no desire to influence you, my dear.
Julie. Still —
Dupont [going to the mantelpiece]
Still what? Wait until I light the lamp. [He strikes a match].   ₂

                              “Isn’t drama just what you don’t want in a dining-room? Drama doesn’t go with digestion.”
“That’s true. How wise you are. Still. . . .”
“Still what?”
                              Betty looked round her again....
“Oak. A faint smell of beeswax.”
“There is a smell of beeswax.”   ₃

sources and furthers

  1. 2616
    ex [Henry Spicer], “Hermit Bob” in All the Year Round (September 30, 1865) : 233-240 (235)
    copy/scan (via google books) : link
  2. 22616a
    Eugène Brieux, “The Three Daughters of M. Dupont” / Les Trois Filles de M. Dupont; Translated by St. John Hankin, in
    Three Plays by Brieux (Brentano’s, New York 1912) : 91
    U Michigan copy/scan (via google books) : link
  3. 2616b
    Richard Pryce, Romance and Jane Weston (1924) : 133
    U California copy/scan (via google books) : link