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a center and a margin. Light falls

                                                front cover (minimally cropped; 180º)
                                        U Michigan copy Harper’s Bazar v. 47-49 incompl. (1913-1914)
                                google books / hathitrust

                a field having a center and a margin. Light falls   ₁
        down across a field   ₂
off across a field. As they walked   ₃

                                                being these three of the seven a fields in same volume —

  1. ex “Right Thinking and Right Living,” by the Rev. Samuel McComb, D.D., Associate Director of the Emmanuel Movement, Boston.
    (February 1913) : 58 : link

    Emmanuel Movement, “a psychologically-based approach to religious healing introduced in 1906”
    wikipedia : link

  2. ex Martha Bensley Bruère and Robert Bruère, “The Revolt of the Farmer’s Wife : V. The Waste of Old Women”
    (March 1913) : 115-116 (116) : link

    see also Martha Bensley Bruère and Robert Bruère, “After the Revolt : The Farmer’s Wife Tells How the Bazar Articles Have Helped”
    (May 1913) : 235, 248 : link

    Martha Bensley Bruère (1879-1953), “writer, painter, reformer; author of the utopian novel Mildred Carver, U.S.A. (1919)”
    wikipedia : link

  3. ex Elizabeth Jordan, “The Far-Away Road”
    (May 1913) : 223-224, 244, 246, 249 (224) : link

    Elizabeth Jordan (1867-1947), journalist, writer, suffragist
    wikipedia : link

                                                and which same volume also contained
                                        (and hence, this landing)
                                George Hibbard, “The Night Before Christmas,”
                        illustration by C. M. Relyea (January 1913) : 7-8 : link
                about and around whom, see
        putterings 436
in the same field all

ancient fields, so tagged
among them, 0022 and 0509 (Robert Duncan)