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Anne B. Fisher, writings by and about

6533 . cover and spine (detail),
Anne B. Fisher, Wide Road Ahead : The Story of a Woman Bacteriologist (E. P. Dutton, 1939)

Anne Benson Fisher (1898-1967)
(inadequate) wikipedia (page) : link

“Writing is actually a secondary career for Anne Fisher, since she trained as a registered nurse and bacteriologist. Before she reached voting age she held a responsible position with the U. S. Bureau of Animal Husbandry. Later, she married Dr. Walter K. Fisher noted zoologist and opened her own chemical laboratory in Salinas.
      Those interested in this phase of her life may discover many of her own adventures woven into the story of her novel Wide Road Ahead.”

source : Virginia Hanrahan, “Anne B. Fisher Tells of Methods Employed in Writing Her Books.” Napa Journal, 92:47 (28 November 1947) : p9
via California Digital Newspaper Collection : link

more results, same collection : link

LoC list (with links where online)

  1. Anne B. Fisher. Look What Brains Can Do!. With illustrations by Albert McKibben.
    (Monterey, Calif., W.T. Lee Co., Inc., 1932) : LoC permalink

    “written as a satire on students and research, picked up from talk among her husband and his colleagues.”
    source : link (Online Archive of California; includes brief bio)

  2. Anne Fisher. Live with a Man and Love It! The Gentle Art of Staying Happily Married. Illustrated by O. Soglow.
    (Dodd, Mead & Co., 1937) : LoC permalink

    Otto Soglow (1900-1975); wikipedia : link

  3. Anne B. Fisher. Brides Are Like New Shoes; A Handbook for Bewildered Husbands. Iillustrated by O. Soglow.
    (New York, Dodd, Mead & Company, 1938) : LoC permalink
  4. Anne B. Fisher. Wide Road Ahead; The Story of a Woman Bacteriologist.
    (New York, E.P. Dutton, 1939) : LoC permalink
  5. Anne B. Fisher. Cathedral in the Sun
    (New York : Carlyle House, 1940) : permalink

    historical fiction; appears to be the only one of Fisher’s books to be reviewed in the New York Times

  6. Anne B. Fisher. Bears, Pirates and Silver Lace; Stories of Old California. Illustrations by Phil Nesbitt.
    (Portland, Or., Binfords & Mort, 1944) : LoC permalink
  7. Anne B. Fisher. The Salinas : Upside-down river. Illustrated by Walter K. Fisher.
    (New York : Farrar & Rinehart, 1945) : LoC permalink

    The Rivers of America series, borrowable at archive.org : link

  8. Anne B. Fisher. No More a Stranger.
    (London, G. Cumberlege, Oxford university press, 1946) : LoC permalink
    Stanford copy/scan, borrowable at archive.org : link

    On Robert Louis Stevenson’s time in and around Monterrey.

    “Here under hot realistic California sun the whole thing took on a lunatic aspect. He had broken all ties with the two dear people who had nursed and pampered and loved him all of his [2] life, to tear half across the world, almost without funds, after a married woman he could not support and whom he could not reasonably hope to marry.
          The heat felt good on his back and he undid the top button of his greatcoat with long tobacco-stained fingers...”

    Biographical notes (and bibliography), with many photographs/illustrations, pp205-261 : link

  9. Anne Fisher. It’s A Wise Child : A Disorderly Comedy of Fatherhood.
    (Indianapolis : Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1949) : LoC permalink
  10. Anne B. Fisher. The story of California’s Constitution and State laws.
    (Palo Alto, Calif., Pacific Books, 1953) : LoC permalink
  11. Anne B. Fisher. Stories California Indians Told. Illustrated by Ruth Robbins.
    (Berkeley, Calif., Parnassus Press, 1957) : LoC permalink

    borrowable at archive.org : link

what brought me to this book, and Anne B. Fisher —

rear dust jacket flap of Ruth Louise Partridge, Adventures with a Lamp : The Story of a Nurse (1939)

part of the putterings project : 437