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neither sea nor shore nor

detail, front hinge (90ºccw, inv), U Toronto copy/scan,
John Bradshaw, comp., A Concordance to the Poetical Works of John Milton (1894)
archive.org : link

no “putterings” in Milton, nor “pudderings” (tho a “pudder” in Shakespeare’s King Lear (III, ii, 150)); but of “shores” many and diversely framed, including these few (and the above) —

P. L. 2, 912
P. L. 10, 666
P. L. 11, 750
S. A. 962
Il P. 75
C. 209
of neither sea nor shore nor air nor
to confound sea air and shore
sea without shore
are reconciled at length and sea to shore
over some wide-watered shore
on sands and shores and desert wildernesses

in Paradise Lost, Samson Agonistes, Il Penseroso and Comus, at 315-316 : link