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This page is intended for images of Ruth Mann McVey and her family, and is in progress.
I’ve been adding new scans at the bottom of the page; eventually, they will be relocated to maintain something closer to chronological order.

no date. on reverse: Left to right, Olivia; Laura Poole (from Normal); Helen; Edith Glasgow; Ruth; Electa Byrne, Wells; Ethel Nixon, Wells

no date, postcard back Made at FURBY’S [?] STUDIO, Wells, Minn.
Cars parked two deep. Note group of men approaching from distant end of line of cars... haven’t (yet) succeeded in locating O Kvitrud, Merchant Tailor.

detail from above. Ruth appears to be drinking a bottle of soda. The young ladies stand on a walkway.

ex The Faribault County Register, Tuesday 25 June 1963

Ex halftone photo used in Harsberger real estate marketing materials, with this caption: Photo taken about 1919 looking west from corner of Annandale and Oak Grove. Annandale was later changed to N. Figueroa St.
The larger house in left foreground, at corner of Glacier and Oak Grove, is still there. Ruth’s family lived there, after their move from Minnesota. Photo appears to be taken from streetcar line above Annandale/Figueroa.

Switzer? Mt. Lowe? (note bridge in rear).
There was a lot of fun in both Ruth and Roy. I remember hearing that he had a rocketship body
on a Model T. He probably had spending money (from working for his father). The high school photo, and two others from the excursion with friends, show a beautiful young woman, slim, stylish dresser, full of life.

I think this is Roy, Ruth and Victor (born 28 January 1923), early in that year. Three more children would follow: Lois in 1925, Steve in 1929, and Philip in 1933.

Ruth and Victor, I’m guessing in front of 1107 Oak Grove, automobile at corner of Glacier in rear. Original print is torn.

Victor at beach. Manhattan Beach? Venice? (no structures in background.)

At left, Ruth expecting
? Hair style similar to the artistic portrait beneath the Eagle Rock.
Later (both undated).

Thanksgiving, 1932. Steve, Vic, Lois.

Gordon (and Myrtle) Mann, Ruth and Gordon’s parents (Martin) Henry Mann (1868-) and Cora (Bell Odette) Mann (1874-1951); in front, Stanley Mann (?), Victor, Steve and Lois. Photo taken in front of 1107 Oak Grove (corner of Glacier), I believe.
Gordon and Henry Mann had a real estate business down Annandale, in a tiny building next to bar. Steve remembers going down there to read comic books. I remember the building, and Gordon (and his voice, and Myrtle), too (from late 1950s, I suppose). The Los Angeles Exchange Telephone Directory (Central Section of the Los Angeles Extended Area), June 1959, lists it at 6713 North Figueroa. That would put it in what is now a driveway, next to El Nuevo Paraiso Bar.
Steve also remembers that Gordon had an amateur chiropractic setup in his basement, where you could get your hip realigned!

May 1933. Steve, Lois, Roy, Vic.

Lois, Steve (?), Stanley Mann (?), Victor, and newlyweds Pat Coyne and Agnes Mann — who look great! — 1932. This from a color xerox of image, torn out of scrapbook. In back, Ruth (laughing) and Myrtle (?).

Victor, Pat Coyne. Beautiful.

no date. Lois, Roy, Steve, Phil, Ruth. Victor probably at left, or behind camera.

December 1938. Why is water higher (and wider) here than in following image?

December 1938. Up the river, around Burbank? Or is this the San Gabriel, not Los Angeles, River?

Ruth, Vic, Phil (Phil, cheer up!), Steve, Lois. 1940?

Ruth, Phil and Roy, ca 1948? Original photo is cut as shown. Could be Tujunga Wash, where the family went, frequently.

Image at left (a xerox) bears note Paul & Grandmother Cora M.;
At right, Victor, Phil, Steve, Lois and Ruth. Both undated.

Victor, Steve, Lois, and ?, yet to be identified...

Victor, Steve, Lois, and ?, yet to be identified; First Communion for Lois and ?

Victor, Steve, Lois, and ?, yet to be identified; First Communion for Lois and ?

Victor, Steve, Lois, and?, yet to be identified.

from upper left, clockwise: Victor, Lois, Stanley Mann (?), Steve, Phil, Elizabeth Mann, Leonore Coyne, Patrick Coyne, Jr. (scan of photocopy)

Martin Henry Henny
Mann at the wheel, along with Ruth, Melvin, Gordon and Agnes (the baby). Eileen reports that according to her mother Agnes, people would yell, Get the children and the chickens off the road, here comes Henny!
Henry was also known as Popo, because — writes Eileen — Victor couldn’t pronounce Grandpa.

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Thanks for help to Marty Mann Arvey, Suzanne Bitte, Elizabeth Mann Clarke, Steve McVey and Eileen Mosler!
Steve, Victor, Lois and Phil (stem to stern), detail; can’t make out lettering on boat — something something City
Steve, Victor, Lois and Phil in San Pedro or Long Beach, no date.
I believe that is the O.S.K. Line La Plata Maru,
of which numerous views (including contemporary postcard) images can be found on flickr (e.g., here and here). The ship went into service in 1926 and played a role in Japanese immigration to Argentina and Brazil. I learn here that the ship was renamed Kanju Maru in 1941, and sunk by US air attack at Saigon in 1945. Appears to have called at Los Angeles in 1937, which looks to be when this photo was taken (see Björn Larsson’s The Ship’s List).
Ruth, Phil, Steve and Victor, picnicing. Tujunga Wash? No date, but could be 1940 or so. Alas, can't make anything out from the newspaper.
Victor and unknown. no date, ca. 1928. Note the well-maintained tree in back, and glimpse of houses beyond.
Victor and mule (or donkey?), no date.
Ruth, Sunday 4 April 1982
Ruth and John, date uncertain (early-mid 1980s)