I long misread the owner’s name as Foxwood; the book clearly was used by William Stump Forwood, whose papers are at the University of North Carolina. The finding aid of that collection includes a biography, from which this is drawn —
William Stump Forwood, son of Samuel Forwood, was a physician and local historian of Darlington, Md. He was born 27 January 1830 in Darlington and remained there most of his life.... Forwood wrote extensively on the
justification for slavery. He also published articles in medical journals on a variety of topics. He was the author of An Historical and Descriptive Narrative of the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky, first published in 1870. Forwood remained active in his medical practice until his death, apparently in 1891.
W. Stump Forwood Papers #260, Southern Historical Collection, The Wilson Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. here
Forwood seems to have been energetic as a physician, writer, historian. One of his publications was Canning Houses and their Relation to the Public Health,
an abstract of which can be found in The Sanitarian (January 1884) here.
On the front flyleaf is penned :
W. S. Forwood’s Index rerum
Commenced in 1854.
Miscell. Lib. No. 48.
Amazons | Mendoza’s account of. Littell’s Living Age, No. 633, p.75, July 12, ’56 from a review — entitled |
Bachman, Rev. John, D.D. | An investigation of the cases of Hybridity in Animals on record, consided in reference to the unity of the Human Species.— Charleston Medical Journal and Review, Vol. V, pp. 168, 621, 466, Vl. VI, p. 383 |
Review of Types of Mankind,Vol. IX, p. 627 | |
Review of Agassiz in Types of Mankind,Vol. IX, p. 790 | |
Characteristics of Genus and Species, applied to unity of the Human Race, Vol. X, p. 201. | |
An Examination of Prof. Agassiz’s Sketch of The Natural Provinces of the Animal World.— Charleston Med. Jrn. & Rev., Vol. X, p.482 | |
Blood-letting | Commendatory remarks on. Meig’s Woman & Diseases; 2nd ed. p. 444
the author’s name and book’s title are off, but reference accurate here |
Burke, Luke | Strictures on Dr. Bachman’s Review of Agassiz.— Charleston Med. Journ. & Review, Vol. XI. p. 433 |
Christian Revivals | The history and philosophy of. Westminster Review, Jan. 1860, p 95, to 123. |
Chloroform | in Labor, its great value. London Lancet, Amer. ed., May 1860, p. 397. |
Charleston Med. Journ. & Review, Nov. 1860, p. 278 | |
American Journal of the Medical Sciences, April 1861, Vo. XLI, p. 586 | |
Drinking & Smoking | vide Blackwood’s Magazine, Jan. 1856, p. 103. |
Drunkenness | not curable by Legislation. Westminster Review, Oct. 1855, Art. V. (p. 242). |
Fractures | of Lower Extremity, Dr. Gilbert’s Treatment by extension and counter-extension with adhesive straps. American Jour. Med. Sci., Apr. 1859, p. 410 |
Genius & Talent | The different meanings implied by the words, and the peculiar significations of each. DeQuincey’s Autobiographic Sketches, p. 223 et sesq.— Boston edition. |

Health | an internal feeling of, often a forerunner of disease.— An interesting fact which my observation has confirmed. John Hunter’s Complete Works, Vol. 1 p. 100. [Complete Works published in four volumes London 1835-37, and in Philadelphia, 1841 : 1 The life of John Hunter by Drewry Ottley. Lectures on the principles of surgery; 2 Natural history and diseases of the human teeth. A treatise on the venereal disease; 3 The blood, inflammation, and gunshot wounds; 4 Observations on the animal economy.] |
Hybridity | in Animals. Rev. John Bachman’s view on the subject.— Charleston Medical Journal and Review, vol. V, pp. 168, 466, 621,— Vol. VI. p. 383 |
Hybridity | in Animals. Dr. Morton’s views, as opposed to those of the Rev. Jno. Baachman, Charleston Medical Journal and Review, vol. V, pp. 328, 755,— Vol. VI. pp. 145, 301, 373 |
Phenomena of, In the Human Genus, By Broea, Amer. Journ. of the Med. Sciences, Vol. 43, N.S. April, 1862, p. 513 | |
Homeopathy | an amusing exposé. Southern Quarterly Review, July 1855,—Art. VIII. |
Hydrophobia | The report of a case successfully treated with calomel.— Amer. Joun. Med. Sci. N.S. Vol. XXXIX, p. 96. |

Intermarriage | |
Immortality | of the Brute Creation: views of various writers upon. Littell's Living Age, Vol. LXIII, p. 387.
this would appear to be a reference to |
Jesuitism | a short history of.— Lord Chesterfield’s Letters: Let. CCLXVIII, p. 436 |
Longevity | Cases of. New Orleans Med. & Surg. Journal, Vol. XVIII, p. 150. |
in the colored race, in 1860, all except one being in the Southern United States. New Orleans Med. & Surg. Journal, Vol. XVI, May No. pp. 417 et seq.. | |
Marriage | its necessity,— sensible views on the subject, by Judge Lewis, in 10 Penn. State Reports, p. 353. Quoted in Brewster's Philosophy of Human Nature, p. 198. (here in 1851 Philadelphia edition of same) |
Mesmerism | Autobiography of an Actress — Mrs. Mowatt. p. 158. An art. interesting chiefly for the source from which it emates — not for philosophy.
The reference is to chapter 9 of Anna Cora Mowatt, her Autobiography of An Actress; or, Eight Years on the Stage (Boston, 1854) commencing here. |
Mind | impressions on. John Hunter’s Complete Works, Vol. 1 p. 55. |
its connection with matter. Paget’s Lectures on Surgical Pathology, p. 21
here in 1854 Philadelphia edition | |
Morton, Dr. Samuel George | Letter to the Rev. John Bachman, D.D., on the question of Hybridity in Animals considered in refrence to the Human Species.— Charleston Medical Journal and Review, Vol. V, p. 328. |
2nd answer to Bachman, Vol. V, p. 755. | |
Notes on Hybridity, Vol. VI, pp. 145, 301, 373. | |
Nott, Dr. J.C. | Letter to the Editors of the Charleston Med. Jour. & Review on Dr. Bachman’s notice of the Types of Mankind,Vol. IX p. 862 |
Reply to Dr. Bachman’s Review of Agassiz, Charleston Med. Jour. & Review Vol. X p. 753 | |
Printing | Early Printing and Printers.— discovered about the year 1450 — an interesting account of. Harper’s Magazine XI Vol. (Sept. 1855.) p. 466 |
Psychology | French & German.— an instructive Review of. British & Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review, American reprint, vol. XXV, October, 1860, art. 1st. |
Population | of the World, and the numbers of the Different religious sects; condensed from M. Dietici’s Statistics (Berlin). Med & Surg. Reporter, new series, Vol. vi, p.502, Aug. 31, 1861. |
Races | human, the supposed common origin disputed, or the world must have existed at least fifty thousand years. Bayard Taylor’s Journey to Central Africa. p. 493 (here in 1872 edition) |
Religious | views of Goethe.— Littell’s Living Age, No. 632, 5 July, 1856— pp. 29, 30.— Copied from National Review
article beginning here |
Smith, Rev. Sydney | An interesting notice of his Life and Character. London Quarterly Review, July 1855, Art. V. |
Soul | its immortality supported, and the idea of its connection with matter wholly refuted. Upham’s Mental Philosophy, Vol. 1, Page 30. |
Temperance | The Physiological errors of Teetotalism.— a sound, sensible, and instructing argument against temperance fanaticism.— An article worthy of careful study. Westminster Review — July, 1855. No. CXXV, Art. IV. |
Theism | Westminster Review, Oct. 1855, No. CXXVI, Art. I. |
Theological | Vide Evangelical Teaching,Westminster Review, Oct. 1855, Art. IV, which is a review of Dr. Cumming’s religous works. The art. is well written and pithy. |
Vaccination | Pregnant women ought not to be vaccinated. Meigs’ Woman: Her Diseases & Remedies, 2nd ed. p. 597 |
Whitlow | Valuable directions for making palmar incisions. Braithwaite’s Retrospect, Part the Thirty-first, p. 184.
whitlow defined here (Dorland's Medical Dictionary). |
Woman | her education, her position, duties, and influence in society.— Excellent remarks on. Meigs’ Woman: Her Diseases & Remedies, 2nd ed. p. 385, 386, 387 |
Laws Concerning.— Blackwood's Magazine, April 1856 — Vol. LXXIX. Art. 1. p. 397 |