John W. Hossler, Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, August 1849
indexing entries from Rollins
exceptions: The Luth. Ch. the Hope of Protestant Unity and Evang Christianity in the World, Notes and Comments (two pages) at beginning, and — back of the book, upside down — nine page Sketch of the Life of Rev. J. W. Hassler.
Hossler, not Hassler —
here and several elsewheres, different issues of the Gettysburg College catalogue, where he is listed as graduating in 1852.

I surmise that Hossler became Hassler, sometime following his completion of studies at Gettysburg College.

maintaining the self

Hossler, in his handwriting exercises, seems to have played with the notion of being a Hassler
. Some experiments with a long s
cause his name to be easily mistaken as Hopkin
. Note also in the bold Property of
initial, what appears to be a penciled correction to the o
in Hossler,
rendering it Hassler. And so there's much about identity. The nine-page Sketch of the Life
in the back of the book (flipped over), adds more substance to an uncertain identity of the young man, who studied medicine but would later enter the ministry, and whose status at Gettysburg College was also uncertain, at least part way through his time there.

I write this Sketch at the request of my family, which, it is believed, will be of interest to them in after years, & may be of interest to others. I was born in Franklin Co, Pa, near the Grindstone Hill Church, six miles south of Chambersburg on the road leading to Maynesboro. My father's name was John Hassler, of German Swiss descent...
Church History, first of 14 pages commencing on first page following uZ. Evidently unfinished — one page only of Part II. The Internal History of the Church, Chapter I, Account of the State of Learning and Philosophy