latter (unnumbered) printing, from stereotype?
This copy is devoted entirely to medicine, indexing publications whose dates fall in the 1870s, 1880s and (mostly) in the 1890s, the last one being 1898.
Charles W. Stockman practiced medicine in Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. He studied for two years under a Dr. J. R. Lord, surgeon, in Portland (about which he wrote a fluent and delightful account in the (Maine) Journal of Medicine and Science in 1900 here, then pursued a more regular education; he also served with the First Maine Regiment in the Civil War. He is listed as a preceptor for a medical student (Willis LeForest Gatchell, class of 1882) at Bowdoin College. He authored Diseases of the Organs of Respiration and Circulation Pneumonia and its Treatment
that appeared in The Epitome, (subtitled A Monthly Retrospect of American Practical Medicine and Surgery; Supplementary to Braithwaite’s Retrospect; containing a retrospective view of every discovery and practical improvement in the medical sciences, abstracted from the current medical journals of the United States and Canada
(Vol 7, April 1886), here.

Heart | Cardiac sedatives: Compendium, No. 11, p. 62 |
disease, veriatria in. Reporter, vol. 28, No. 2, p 44 | |
" Treatment of: Reporter, vol. 33, July 3d, 1875, page 12 | |
Valvular desease of. Physical signs, Reporter, Jan 1st, 1881 | |
Its murmurs, their diagnosis and treatment: Med. News, May 23 & 30, July 25, Aug 29, Sep ? | |
Diseases of: Merck’s Bulletin, July 13th, 1892 | |
Mitral disease, Morphine in: Braithwaite’s Retrospect, July, 1893 | |
Hemorrhoids | ligation of: Compendium, No. 11, p. 222. |
surgical treatment of: Reporter, vol. 28, No. 15, p. 299 | |
Fistula, and other rectal diseases, Med. Brief, Dec. 1892 | |
Headaches | notes on: Reporter, Vol 32, Whole No. 936, Feb. 6th, 1875, Page 101 |
Guarana in: Reporter, Vo. 32, May 29th, 1875, page 438 guarana is (or is related to) caffeine, see entry in wikipedia and elsewhere | |
Hyperidrosis | hydrastic canadensis for. Med. News, Nov 18th, 1893 |
Hemorrhage | Post-partum: Reporter, Vol. 31, Oct. 3d, 1874, Page 272 |
" Reporter, Vol 33, Aug 7th, 1875, p 104 | |
" Compression of Abdominal Aorta, Reporter, Vol. 33, Aug 14h, 1875, Page 139; Sept. 18, 1875, Page 248 | |
Hernia | Strangulated, treated by dilatation: Reporter, Vo. 33, July 10th, 1875, Page 21 |
Congenital, inguinal, and diagnosis of rectal tumor: Med. News, Sept. 27th, 1890, p.297 | |
Strangulated, taxis in: Braithwaite’s Retrospect, Jan 1893, Page 158 | |
" Reports of, Mass. Med. Society, June 1893 | |
Radical cure of: Braithwaite’s Retrospect, July, 1893, Pages 139 & 145 | |
Hysterectomy | Supra Vaginal; method of operating; Med. Brief, Oct. 1890 |
Hepatic Abscess | Braithwaite’s Retrospect, July 1893 |
Having encountered Stockman’s fascinating description of the medical library and pathological specimens maintained by J. R. Lord, it would be a shame to pass over them in silence, and so —
The office consisted of one room, some fourteen feet wide by twenty deep. In front was a tall window of about double the usual width, the upper half of which was usually covered by a roller curtain having painted upon the outside :
J. Lord and Son Surgeons,
and beneath Chloroform administered with safety.
Opposite the door from the entry to the office, the wall from floor to ceiling was covered with well-filled book shelves to within eight feet of the rear end. In front of these shelves in the corner next the window, stood a large cast iron office chair fitted with an adjustable writing leaf, containing a sunken ink well, and here the old doctor sat day after day writing, always upon one subject — mental philosophy, upon which, as I learned later, he was undoubtedly a monomaniac, although apparently mentally sound otherwise. In the corner upon the opposite side of the window stood a wooden arm chair in which the writer of this sketch usually passed his spare time in professional, and other studies. Eight feet from the rear wall a partition ran from the north side of the room to its center, and in the recess thus formed the wall was covered from floor to ceiling with shelves, almost entirely filled with all sizes of salt-mouth bottles, and glass jars, containing pathological specimens. There was a large assortment of mammary glands, mostly scirrhus; tumors of, (as I then thought) every known and unknown variety; fingers and toes, fragments from fractured skulls, hands and feet, in part or whole, and in fact, it appeared to me, parts from nearly every portion of the human body. Opposite this recess, and partially divided from the front office by a large folding screen, was the operating department, containing, under a window a broad high couch, covered with black enameled cloth, and a portable operating chair.
The subject shifts to Lord’s own background —
Dr. Lord was not a graduate. His story of why not, as he told it to me, is as follows. From an early age he had a love for surgery, and determined that it should be his life work, but having no means, he learned the trade of a tailor as a stepping stone to a medical education...