Third Edition, Northampton......J. H. Butler.; New-York....Leavitt, Lord & Co.; Philadelphia....William Marshall & Co. 1837.
copyright page includes the usual note to the Second Edition, and : John Metcalf....Printer. Northampton.

Front flyleaf bears this inscription : Jno. F. W. Ware / Oct 1838 / Milton Hill.

in progress

This much-used copy holds the usual reading annotations, as well as 34 pages of penned meditations, possibly timber for later sermons and published works. The copy is at Harvard’s Houghton Library, call number Houghton | Educ 7318.33.3*.

Ware (1818-1881) was a Unitarian minister and author of numerous tracts. See biographical sketch in Samuel Atkins Eliot, Heralds of a Liberal Faith III The Preachers (American Unitarian Association, Boston, 1910) here (to which a list of Ware’s publications is appended). That one, and other, accounts of Ware suggest that he was less a bookish and ecclesialastical than an inspired preacher. His own index entry to Doddridge — idea of innovation in preaching — may connect to Eliot’s observation that :

His sermons were sermons of life. Though a wide reader, he was not technically a student, and had little tolerance for controversial writings. He realized that by studying books and by introspection one might acquire a certain individual and selfish saintliness; but he did not believe that much could be done for common humanity unless a teacher really understood what were the needs and failings of common men. His aim was to study men, not from books, but from actual life; and, as teachers often approximate in concrete form the subject they teach, he was drawn to look upon himself less as a professional minister than as a man and a citizen. (pp367-68)

I examined this copy on 22 December 09; the hand is not always easy to read (particularly penciled passages); I list Ware’s indexed headings, and provide some more here and there, but will not attempt a full transcription. I will however attempt some analysis of this copy, and compare it with others.



index entries

  • AaaA

    Agrarian / law of. Asperius Cassius explained.

    Atheism / Bacon’s Essay on

    Alexander / Severus. His remarkable virtues worthy of a better age & people. Extraordinary courage at the revolt of the Roman legion

    Alfred the Great, 872-900 / Trial by jury

    Agitation / A beautiful fable illustrative of. Western Messenger vol vii No. 1. [W.H.C., Agitate—Agitate—Agitate, in The Western Messenger Devoted to Religion, Life, and Literature 7:1 (May 1839): 33]

    Action / language of.


    Beelzebub / his nature &c

    Budhism / Milman I. 98 / Essentially monastic. Its end was to substitute a purer morality for the mild idolatry into which Brahmanism had degenerated, & break down the distinction of castes. Next to Christianity, Klopstock says, no religion has contributed more to ennoble the human race.

    Chauncy, / Commodore, Extraordinary discipline of this man.

    Chas Chaspeau

    Canal / New York Erie.

    Character. Christian life (two full pages of notes, references to scripture)

    Clergymen,/their refraining from the right of suffrage, & discussing the agitating questions of the day — some sound remarks in favor of

    Chinese / the custom of compressing the feet of their women...

    Christ / the Mediator

    Conduct / External No Criterion of character. Corner Stone p226 [possibly Jacob Abbott, The Corner Stone (New York, 1855 edn), for example here.

    Constant, B./ Commended his work as a manifest against the priests, but convinced himself by writing it, then realizing as he said, Bacon's remark, that a little philosophy makes a man an Atheist but a thorough acquaintance a Xn.

    Coats of Arms / first used in crusades, and adopted by posterity

    Commons./ House of, first convoked by

    Communism [faint pencil]


    Coleridge / Carlyle says, Sterling’s Life, p. 72 — To sit as a passive bucket and be pumped into, whether you consent or not, can in the long run be exhilarating to no creature; how eloquent soever the flood of utterance that is descending. But if it be withal a confused unintelligible flood of utterance, threatening to submurge all known landmarks of thought, and drown the world and you! I have heard C. talk with eager musical energy, two stricken hours & convey no meaning whatever to any individual — certain of whom, I for one, still kept eagerly listening in hope. Instead of answering a ?, a going directly at a point accumulated much apparatus &c, like himself wanted resolution &c &c. close but not verbatim transcription of this.

    Cudworth’s / plastic system explained

    Church / Catholic according to the Apostles

    Deaconing / origin of

    Deity / sublime ideas of, among the Heathens

    Diety / The repetition of the name of the most acceptable act of devotion with the Indians, while with the Jews the most awful and inexpiable piety. H. Milman xty 27, [possibly note bottom left, p 182, here.]

    Decretals The Laodicean [?] may be viewed as a poor argument to prove the impossibility of the Scriptures being forged

    Depravity / total

    Dispensation / Jewish. a full account in Cogan’s Disquisitions vol. 1 [presumably T Cogan, M.D. Theological Disquisitions, subtitled or, an enquiry into those principles of religion, which are most influential in directing and regulating the passions and affectations of the mind. 1.

    Disquisition,—On Natural Religion. II. Disquisition,—On the Jewish Dispensation, respecting Religion and Morals. London, 1812. ; here]

    Doddridge. Dr. / Resignation under affliction. Orton p. 274 et seq.
    Evidently Job Orton. Memoirs of the Life, Character and Writings of the late Reverend Philip Doddridge, D.D. of Northampton. The Second Edition. London, 1766. here [N.B.: original Bavarian State Library]

    do / Idea of Innovation in preaching. Orton p. 292
    pagination doesn’t work, but see for example : I am more an more convinced of the Importance of keeping to the good old evangelical and experimental way of preaching; and look upon most of the new fashioned Divinity, of which some Persons, in different Extremes, are so fond, as a Kind of Quackery, which bodes ill to the Health of the Soul, and of the Church in general. here
    or pp 22-23, a quite nice passage about how transcription enabled him to contract a Habit of preaching judiciously, when his other Business would not allow so much Time for Composition. here.
    Something on Doddridge at wikipedia.




    Epistles / The. I cannot place the entire confidence in them that I do in the Gospels. Many, I know, consider this wrong, but it must be determined in every man’s mind by the view he takes o inspiation. in the words of Christ I read his character, but in the Epistles Peter & Paul speak. Can I submit with such reverence to them as to the meek Homely [?] Jesus? Excommunication, / Jewish modes of. Milman’s History of Jews. III. 122—

    Fault-finding. / The more I know myself & those around me, I am the more & more convinced that we complain the most of those faults in others which are most glaring in our own character. As no one can see or know the fierce strengths of the soul, we seem to love to take revenge by venting ourselves on our friends, & condemn them in the same [venomous? I doubt this reading] used terms we do ourselves. And is it not true also that the more persons character approaches our own, the less you like him?

    Fast, / Paul’s opinion of. 14 Rom 2.17 — 4 Gal:10, 1 Tim IV.3. Col II. 20-23
    It is remarkable how almost universally extended throughout the earlier world appear the institution of a solemn period of mourning about the autumnal, rejoicing about the vernal equinox. Milman. Xty 1.13

    Father — / Our. Are alway [sic] spoken of as peculiarly a religious people, & friends of good order. They were puritans, & there were special names then existing. why they should pay careful regard to the laws of god & man. Time, forms, [?], have changed & so we cannot agree that they were more devout than we who live so differently. To our selves & the world we stand differently related. Progress is ones [ours?] not a day of small things. Every age is superior to any before.

    [written large, once each over entries for Fault-finding and Father are the word NO, in pencil.]

    Freedom,/ friendly. Orton’s Life of Doddridge, p. 186 &c

    Feudal System,/ causes of the [northern?]. Robinson's Character 5 Vol 1 [maybe Thomas Robinson, Scripture Characters (1792), here.

    Fetishism / The earliest form of worship in which any object is consecrated as the representative of an unseen being. The Fetish of the African is the manitou of the American Milman’s xty, I 11 ?


    Future life, continued [from Life]

    History, the / regions of man. Essentially regions. volumes of material & Rev. prove it. 1st man in his near connection with God. His fall & consequences to posterity. Departure from worship ofone God. Each with some symbol of a Divine Mind. Leading doctrines of Pagan sects with some account to coming of Christ. Man refusing this great light, & trusting to his own reason. Grdual decay of piety. then the dark ages until Reformation. Thence to the present day, with remarks on modern paganism. [no refs]

    Hocus Pocus / Orginally Hoc est Corpus, from the exclamation of the Catholic priest at the corner of the street during the feast of Corpus Christi.

    Hume, David. his unhappiness at not being able to believe in Christianity, quoted Crombies Nat. Theology p xx. Introduction. from Hume’s Treatise of Human nature Book 1, Part 4. Sect. 7

    Inspiration [blank spread save for that word]

    Instruction. / Is seldom of much efficacy, except in those happy dispositions where it is almost superfluous. Gibbon I. P86, c. 4

    Indulgences / see Lingard VI. 132

    Jerusalem. / Robinson makes live. 2 1/2 [ geograph. miles .. canÕt make out]

    a newspaper clipping Perhaps it will be gratifying to many to see to what age our oldest Naval officers have lived to arrive at the rank (the highest in our Navy) of Commodore. The subjoined list will show:... includes Chauncey 81.

    Life, future. [full two page, extends to future. scriptural refs.]

    Lord’s Supper [full two pages, energetically written]

    Mahomet. / [10 lines, refs to koran]

    Milton / danger of taking religious impressions from his Par. Loss. Script. Interp. IV. 61.

    Miles / different lengths of. English mile .1770 yrds...etc

    Morality / the, of Christ. was not in unison with the age; it was universal; & was grounded in broad & simple principles which had never before been laid down as the basis of action. — Milman’s Hist of Xty. I. 201 et seq.

    Nature, worship /

    Names /

    [and, on aN, a pasted in note, when I hear men talk of his future I think of what X said to a young man who wished to be received as his Disciple.

    Necessity / Philosohphical, doctribe of. concisely stated. Crombies Nat Religion Vo II P. 206 [note]

    [pasted in page, small size and type, from Ecclesiastes]


    Parents . / Err in 2 ways. Too little governt. 2. Too much. [hard to read rest]

    Pharisees /

    Prayer / no content

    Thanksgiving / no content

    pentateuch / five lines




    Pope, Paul IV. / 1555 — had the pleasure of seeing himself attacked by those who acknowledged his spiritual supremacy, & defended by those who denied it & showed contempt & hostility for him as head of the church while they defended his banner!

    Providence / special. See Brown’s essay on Cause & Effect. Note [?]

    Revolution / French, succinct account of Agriculture before * after

    Reading / Dewey’s essay on Ch. Examiner No. 94, Sept 1839, Art 1 [signed O. D.; in The Christian Examiner and General Review Vol 27, Third Series Vol. 9 (September 1839), here., with this at p17 : If I might be allowed to propose and affix a motto to this essay, it would be — LESS READING AND MORE STUDY.]

    Resolutions , / Are cheap enough. Any fool can make them. but it requires no common man to keep them.

    Reasoning / is only one form of reason.

    Reserve, in Christ [13 lines]

    Religion / consists, 1t in the idea of God; 2nd feeling; 3rd Worship & morality, of the idea of right. the feeling of an obligation. [&c]

    Religion / [four lines, from Rohinale?]

    Repentance [8 lines]

    and newspaper clipping pasted in, sentence rendered by Pontius Pilate

    Romance / name first applied to fiction. Scott’s review of Hoffman, Periodical Criticism Vol XVIII 272



    Sabbath / The soul should own no. Not that I would discountenance the hallowing of one day in seven. Far otherwise, for there is a holy calm in the cessation from all wordly toil & strife which is [] beyond all else. But I would have the soul so trained, so constant always in the right, that each hour, each moment should be its sabbath. yet there are those about us who follwing this maim allow no sabbath, spend their Sundays as their work days, their work days are days of study not religious. [overwritten expunged]


    Sentient / is not an idea or a feeling, but idea & feeling fused. You see in action 1st the idea, the feeling which that idea awakens & then conduct. [D W on relig sent]

    Similes / Homeric, imperfection of. Burke. []


    newspaper clipping pasted in, For those who think [nice aphorisms...]

    For those who think.
    A noisy virtue is always of doubtful character. The bravado is seldom brave. The humble man most deeply laments his pride. An empty waggon rattles more than one well laden. A boaster is a vanity.
    It is no proof of our innocence that we profess great detestation of any vice. The proud man is more often offended at the arrogance of others than his humble neighbors are. The mean-spirited man often professes great contempt for cowards.
    Nothing deserves the name of wisdom which partakes of cunning and trick.
    If any one man knew all that was thought and felt by those around him, he would flee into the wilderness; and if society knew all the thoughts and feelings of any one man, they would drive him into the wilderness.
    Carnal knowledge puffs up. Saving knowledge exalts by humbling.

    Schools / Jewish, mode of instruction. Edwards & Parks Selections p 26&c [0r 36]

    Summer / Indian. Causes of &c. Demo Rev. vol III. no 10. [and a clipping about climate]

    Task [one line, hard to understand. ] Compers. origin of. Grimshawe’s Compen. II. 175

    Tsabaism / the simpler worship of the primeval [] tribes. It is the germ of nature worship. Milman 1. 12

    Theology / Is taken up by those of an enquiring turn w respect mental activity. 2. The action of such a mind on such subects tends to speculation & this tendency is É [ needs close attention to decipher thise dozen lines]

    Unitarianism / Some of its characteristics stated. Walker’s (Dr) Farewell Discourse, p 19 et seq.

    Unitarian Faith, character of [full three pages, UiiU through Uo.]

    Vanity [pencil hard to read] / a proof of ... [1 1/2 lines]

    List of Unitarian Churches [otherwise blank]

    War, Man of. [extract on amount of timber needed to build one, fromLand Commissioner’s Report in House of Commons ]

    William 1t, 1066-1087

    William 2nd 1087-11 [brief sketches of both, 4 and 3 lines respectively]

    Wordsworth / to G Beaumont, I like in some things to differ with a friend, & that he should know that I differ from him. — it seems to give a more healthy friendship, to act as a relief to those notions & feelings which we have in common, & give them a grace & spirit they would not otherwise possess. [three pargaraphs at oW, but need to read carefully to decipher]

    Wu through uY given over to longer writing, extracts and otherwise, need to read carefully.

    various extracts, some identified as to author. Many (most) of these have a penciled cross-out mark; possibly indicating that they have been used in the Ware’s own writing?
    He know what he does, we only know what we suffer. Lamartine, [The Stone-Mason (1851 translation, here.]
    W. S. Sandor
    Lust seizeth us in youth, ambition in midlife, avarice in old age; but vanity and pride are the besetting sins that drive the angels from our cradle, pamper us with luscious and most unwholesome food, ride our first stick with us, mount our first horse with us, wake with us in the morning, dream with us in the night, and never at any time abandon us. In this world, beginning with pride and vanity, we are delivered over from tormentor to tormentor, until the worst tormentor of all taketh absolute possession of us for ever, seizing us at the mouth of the grave, enchaining us in his own dark dungeon, standing at the door, and laughing at our cries. But the Lord, out of his infinite mercy, hath placed in the hand of every man the helm to steer his course by, pointing it out with his finger, and giving him strength as well as knowledge to pursue it. Sandor [here]

    A truly Div. Religion might yet be established, if charity were really were the principle of it instead of faith. Leigh Hunt vol 2. 133 [close though not exact transcription, from precisely here].

    Greatest want of Religious feeling is not to be found among the greatest infidels, but among those who never think of R. except as a matter of course. D.O. [here.]

    Matrimony is a rich school, & daily brings forth severe teachings until we are enabled to increase our store of knowledge, if conception & inclination will allow us. [here in Emilie Carlen, Twelve Months of Matrimony (London, 1853); the Google scan is a later edition (under different title) Ware’s reference is to One year: a tale of wedlock from the original Swedish, by Alex. L. Krause and Elbert Perce. New York: Charles Scribner, 1853). See wikipedia entry on Carlen (1807-92), who is best known by the hyphenated name Flygare-Carlén.]

    other passages, from or on the Orinoco River, The exquisite torture of the inquisition — a cloth stretched over face & water dropped from great height, till suffocation. so is sorrow, drip, drip, &asmp; moments [?] to break the heart...; three or four others (this page uW).

  • Xa
    When we see the great variety of opinion with regard to the future world, its commencement, its progress & its duties [one finds numerous refs to eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard, nor hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive but the refs don’t go on to include the things of that, suggesting that the passage is only loosely transcribed — which would fit Ware’s methods — or that it is his original writing, though incorporating formulaic elements.]
  • eX
    that departure of a few noble hearts, leaving behind the sepulcher of their Father, the home of their youth, the compas of civilized life, to heast [?] the uncertain waves, the yet more uncertain reception of a [] people, a sterile coast — that they might find freedom to worship God. [as if notes, to a lecture? sermon? or draft of Ware’s own writing?]
  • Ya
    The power of the character of Christ over us is its perfect tuth to nature. He is a man...
  • aY
    The world, by its two great representatives, Egland & America, is at this moment passing through a great & important crisis... continues on through Ye, where a long paragraph is Xed out.
  • eY
    All great result are brought about by the combined effect of individual action. It is the aggregate of each mind... and six additional paragraphs, one in pencil. and so on for the following six pages.
  • Zu
    four passages, including this : If there be not a Relig. element in the relations of men, such relations are miserable and doomed to ruin. Human life cannot stand in selfishness, mechanical utilities, economics & law courts. Carlyle in Chalmers IV. 204 [The extract is loose and rearranged, but derives from precisely here. The next page connects the pitious state of Black slaves in South Carolina to the even more wretched state of a pallid Paisley weaver...

    The sabbath. to evil passions... [hard to make out, but roughly] to working through to a desire ... may be to ... direct toil for wealth. none to crime or lust... [?]

    It is only when our human affections are consecrated by a belief in their perpetuity... can have their perfect influence over us — Redwood, this being Catherine Maria Sedgewick, Redwood: A Tale, passage from 1850 edition here; the same passage in the 1824 London triple-decker reads slightly differently here.

    Charcoal & diamond. So caracter may be = under 2 extremes of beauty & plainness. [no attribution]

    There is no precept like a great principle wrought int othe mind, the hearth, the life. Fox. Source edition not given, but this fits, being William Johnson Fox, The Progressive Character of the Bible, in his Christ and Christianity: Sermons on the Mission, Character, and Doctrine of Jesus of Nazareth vol. 2, Boston, 1833).

germs of thought

in progress

A kind of aphoristic workbook

I was struck this morning very forcibly with the comprehensive truth of the 18th verse of the 4th chap. of 11d Corinthians, For the things which are seen are temporal but the things which are not seen are eternal. The things which are seen are the world around us, ourselves, even the starry firmament they are temporal. They are the manifestations of a God but they decay. The things which are not seen are God & our own souls Ñ they are eternal. Time shall have no effect on them. 7 April ’40.

Can you stem Niagara with a straw? Can the clergy expect to resist the whelming tide of this worldÕs influence by one day of devotion to religion? Let the people [? see afuel ?] of your religion every day, & in God’s own time all men shall abandon the troubled water for the one pure spring. Learn to labor the wait. [?] Ages may collect straw enough to dam the maddest stream.

[2] It is a sad mistake when we allow ourselves to stifle the serious impressions made by any striking event of Providence. We ought t let the first feeling have full sway [?]. When the iron is hot is the time to strike. But too often we allow some trifle of time [several words hard to make out] this beauty of sorrow. the language of conduct is [two words] this time when I have a more convenient season I will attend to thee. But that convenient season never comes, the impressions is lost, & we are left bound to this world as firmly as if God had not warned us of our folly.

Following long second paragraph, this penciled note referring I suppose [?] to Parkinson so called. maybe reviewed by Ware years after writing?

Heaven & earth in their truest emblems — the one eternal silence — the other endless change, tumult & agitation. something like, here (Tour in England, Ireland, and France: in the years 1826, 1827, 1828, and 1829, subtitled With remarks on the manners and customs of the inhabitants, and anecdotes of distinguished public characters. In a series of letters. By a German Prince. (Hermann Pückler-Muskau (Fürst von), Sarah Austin, translator. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1833)

[25] No man was ever born a sceptic. It is a fungus upon the fair tree of life. no ref. above born a sceptic is penciled in by nature

[31] numerous short observations, exhortations. among them :

To do anything well it must be done experimentally. Philosophy is a cold extension, &asmp; it can affect only the Exterior.


not yet

index entries : xx
number of source: uncounted
theological: pending
other (generally located at bottom of page) : xx