molar shades
ex Antonio à Leeuwenhoek, Arcana Naturae, ope & beneficio exquisitissimorum microscopiorum. Detecta, variisque experimentis demonstrata, una cum discursu & ultieori dilucidatione... Editio altera. Lugduni Batavorum, 1696.
This copy in the Barcelona Athenaeum Library; google books scan color only online, pdf is b&w.
Showing fibers (tubuli) in a small section of a molar, which van Leeuwenhoek estimates would total 4,822,500 for the entire tooth (see early English translation here).
Fits ongoing ruminations re: human as temporary infrastructure (apartment house) for component bacteria etc…
fibers; infrastructure; lubes; molar; Anton van Leeuwenhoek