and tables are given

unopened sheets at end of Wyndam Beawes, his Lex Mercatoria Rediviva: Or, The Merchant’s Directory:
Being a Complete Guide to All Men in Business ... Containing an Account of Our Trading Companies and Colonies, with Their Establishments, and an Abstract of Their Characters: the Duty of Consuls, and the Laws Subsisting about Aliens, Naturalization and Denization. To which is Added a State of the Present General Traffick of the Whole World ... and Tables are Given of the Correspondence and Agreement of the European Coins, Weights, and Measures, with the Addition of All Others that are Known. Extracted from the Works of the Best Writers Both at Home and Abroad; More Especially from Those Justly Celebrated Ones of Messieurs Savary; Improved and Corrected by the Author’s Own Observations, During His Long Continuance in Trade. The Whole Calculated for the Use and Service of the Merchant, Lawyer, Senator, and Gentleman.
The sixth edition, with large additions. Dublin, 1773
Princeton copy, digitized September 18, 2009
blighted by google mark and autocorrected digit at southeast.
Ruled sheets show impressions of what appears to be printing, including equal signs (of coinage? weights?)
levels pumped up to 60 1.00 255.
This has been my Task. And I with my Performance may be looked on like the Bees Industry; as Honey will not lose its Taste or Virtue, by reflecting that that Insect was only a Collector, not Author of its Sweetness.
ex preface, p vi, among whose other apologies are found this — incitements to quit my obscurity.
tags: lines; incitements to quit my obscurity; returns and; tables
Wyndam Beawes