via negativa, 8
ordinarily this is not a good method 1913
for that this is not a new increase 1813
now this is not a solitary picture 1836
and this is not a solitary or an obscure instance of a speaking image 1839
and you see that this is not a dialectical conclusion, but determinate and positive 1764
and that this is not a work for the calm, the cool, and the calculating 1839
This is not a note of the original author 1829
in acute argumentation. This is not a work, in our opinion 1841
call that a prayer; but this is not a prayer 1832
this is not a miracle 1839
this is not a state of things to hope for 1828
this is not a devise, but in nature of an exception 1831
8 of 12
September 2016
tags: obscurity; portrait parlé; solitude; this is not a; via negativa