via negativa, 12
this is not a criterion on which we can proceed 1815
this is not a time for us to come to the resolution 1742
this is not a rule I am to go by 1702
this is not a “simple relation of a fact capable of a satisfactory explanation” 1811
this is not a mere prescription 1825
founded in Reason and Nature : this is not a Condition sine quâ non 1746
to show that this is not a homogeneous or simple mineral: the question is 1831
what is meant by, this is not a general principle;
a truth established from many particular cases ? 1835
this is not a fancy picture 1834
that this is not a solitary instance where the text has suffered from disarrangement we shall presently have occasion to see 1905
but this is not a true representation of the case ; the ditches were not dug that the water might be gotten 1828
and that this is not a new-framed Answer to satisfy the present 1751
12 of 12
1 October 2016
tags: ditches; fancy; satisfaction; this is not a; via negativa