a line that
a line that either forms a circle; or part of a circle 1858
a line that is apparently the axis of several waves 1906
a line that was sufficient 1895
a line that is utterly unsuited 1880
a line that does not conform 1881
or a line that is not straight of itself 1736
a line that makes the true 1779
a line that swung somewhat 1909
his desire for a line that 1906
a line that counted 1841
a word, a line, that 1894
a line that, in reality, stood in no need 1760
a line that is sett at a great Rock 1921
a line that must 1919
a line that you viewed with favour 1898
a line that was equally distant 1914
a line that bound us 1895
and a line that buzzed 1903
a line, that they 1765
not a line that any 1908
lines; a line that... stood in no need; a line that counted