twine and needles,
Aground, I am. 77
Boat, mine will not swim. 149
Bound, where are you ? 158
Breeze, when it springs up. 166
Breeze, when it goes down. 167
Days, how many have you been out ? 252
Days, how many ago ? 253
Land, it is in sight. 381
Land, how does it bear ? 382
Land, I see. 383
Land, what do you make it to be ? 384
Land, I do not know the. 385
Land, I know the. 386
Matter, what is the ? 431
Not any. 448
No. 449
Off and on, I shall stand. 460
Place, at what ? 497
Prepared, are you? 518
Probable, it is very. 521
Probable, it is not. 522
Pumps are choaked. 523
Ready, I am, for sea, or to sail. 531
Sea, when it goes down. 583
Tide, when it turns. 669
Twine and needles, I am in want of. 684
Wear, there is room to. 710
Wind and weather permitting. 725
phrases ex Part Second, Sea phrases,
to be used between vessels meeting at sea, or at foreign ports
in Abraham A. Leggett, his The telegraphic dictionary : being a list of all the phrases, words, names of vessels, countries, ports, harbours, islands, &c., likely to occur in telegraphic communications, either at sea or on shore: arranged according to the plan adopted by the Merchants’ exchange company of New York.
New York, Printed by Gray and Bunce, 1828.
from NYPL copy
Signal numbers shown here following their respective phrases, rather than preceding them as in the source. Unusually (if not uniquely in a signal code), Leggett’s phrases frequently commence with their key term, followed by a comma and what is predicated about them, as if in an index.
sea phrases; signal codes; weather permitting
Abraham A. Leggett, The telegraphic dictionary (1828)