un-words, sad-words, uncomely cloudburst words
Unblown A hold-up
Unbolting Attempted hold-up
Unborn Attempted robbery
Unbought Attempted to derail
Unbroken Attempted to ditch
Unburden Accidental
Uncanny Burglar
Unchaste Burglary
Uncivil Broken into
Uncle Broken up
Uncleanly Broken open
Uncoiling Blown up
Uncomely Cloudburst
Uncorking Yes sir
Uncouth No sir
Unction Cyclone
Unctous Cyclonic indications
Uncunning Car thieves
Uncurl Cause unknown
Uncurling Cause known ; am investigating
Undawning Considerable trouble
Undecent Flood
Underbrush Flooded
Undercast Fire
Undercut Incendiary
Underflow Lynching
Underfoot Looks like for a purpose
Undergo Looks like a carelessness
Underhand Mob-s
Underlay Overflow-ed-ing
Underlet Overflow-ed-ing its banks
Underline Race riot
Underling Riot
Underprop Rioters
Undertow Tar and feathers
all entries under happenings
ex Arnold’s Code No. 20 for Railroad and Steamship Correspondence (1903)
this copy 1920 printing, with penned phrase additions throughout
by a succession of owners/users, their names listed on flyleaf,
E. C. Warren, A.G.F.A.
[presumably Assistant General Freight Agent]
Great Northern Railway Company.
A. H. Engelhart
C. C. Thompson
E. H. Quigly
last dated 19/15/47
these guys,
walking around with poetry and the makings of poetry, and underminings too and rot, of poetry and their own lives and times, all of this unbeknownst in their pockets
tags: happenings; rot; telegraphic codes; un