The Steam Ship Owners' Telegraphic Code
By E(dward). B(enjamin). Scott. 1874. London : Published by the author, at 2, Brabant Court, Philpot Lane, E.C.
Printed by Waterlow and Sons, Great Winchester Street / London, E.C.

6 x 9 1/2 inches; 1-xvi, (2), 3-230

Its arrangement in sections connects this to earlier signal codes. Those sections (and their larger topical divisions) fall under the first three (of total four) Parts. The arrangement of the book can be seen at right.

Codewords do not appear consecutively, but require a separate (Part IV) "vocabulary." (Codeword initials signify, as is the case with other codes of this decade (and earlier.)

The first three of the four "Parts" are organized around the message dynamic of who is communicating with whom. There is some "see also" cross referencing.

Parts 1-3, codewords in column at right (priority thus to phrase matter, arrayed at left); Part 4 codewords at left.

pages 22 and 131 of this code

Index pp ix-xvi

Part First. Messages from Owners or Managers
Division 1.—Employment, charters, &c.
  sections 1-42
Division 2.—Port and money matters.
  sections 43-51
Division 3.—Ship, engines and crew.
  sections 52-54
Division 4.—Accidents
  sections 55-66

Part Second. Messages from Masters or Agents.
Division 5.—Employment, charters, &c.
  sections 67-111
Division 6.—Incidents of voyage.
  sections 112-117, includes “Speakings”, p115
Division 7.—Port and money matters.
  sections 118-125
Division 8.—Ship, engines and crew.
  sections 126-128
Division 9.—Accidents.
  sections 129-138

Part Third. From Either to Either.
  sections 139-142
Division 10. Miscellaneous.

Part Fourth. The Vocabulary.