all kinds
1845 |
The telegraph dictionary, and seamen’s signal book
1845 |
The Secret Corresponding Vocabulary
1860 |
Buell's Mercantile Cipher
1874 |
The Steam Ship Owners’ Telegraphic Code E. B. Scott
1875 |
manuscript code in voyage journal (Liverpool — Rangoon — Liverpool)
1876 |
Telegraphic Cipher compiled by Murray, Vass & Co., Commission Merchants and Dealers in Baling Stuffs and Western Produce (Mobile, Alabama)
ca 1880 |
G. B. and P. F. Perry manuscript code : Brazil-Boston wool, fur and skins
1885 |
Harvey's A. B. C. Domestic Code, with Appendix. Second Edition
1885 |
Private Cable Code of Sanders & Co., London, England
1892 |
Lieber’s Standard Telegraphic Code
1894 |
Low’s Pocket Cable Code (Third (Revised) Edition)
1894 |
The Donaldson Guide... to which is added the Complete Code of the Donaldson Cipher.
1896 |
The Adams Cable Codex (Tenth Edition)
1901 |
The A.B.C. Telegraphic Code (Fifth Edition)
1901 |
Code Télégraphique Privé. Nouvelle Edition. Bessler, Waechter & Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne.
1906 |
Mitchell’s Self-Testing Safety Code (original and revised editions)
1907 |
C. W. S. Private Cable Code Book (Co-operative Wholesale Society, Manchester)
ca 1908 |
Code Telegraphique de M. M. Gerin, Rykebus &; Cie.
1908 |
The Modern Economy Telegraphic and Cable Cipher Code. Edmund Peycke, comp.
ca 1910 |
Vickers Private Code
1911 |
The Simplex Standard Telegraphic Code
1912 |
Jacob’s Friend to Friend Cable Code
1913 |
Zebra Code (Third Edition)
1916 |
Code for use with Warden Brothers (casein trade)
1919 |
Bentley’s Complete Phrase Code
1922 |
The BEAMA Technical Cable Code
1923 |
Cinema Code
1923 |
Acme Commodity and Phrase Code (14th printing January 1941)
| 1927 |
B & O Railroad Telegraphic Cipher Code
1929 |
Rudolf Mosse-Code Supplement
1929 |
Peterson’s International Code, 3rd Edition (pages 204-05, or here to pages 730 and 1002
1937 |
M.E.C. 3-Letter Code