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enemy to accuracy, and produces bad habits of thought
The Universal Drafting Machine Saves a Vast Amount of Puttering
- Puttering wastes time and energy, is an enemy to accuracy, and produces bad habits of thought.
- The Universal Drafting Machine saves so much puttering that it makes a 25 to 50 per cent difference in the time required to make a drawing.
- The mental effect of working with quickness and dispatch is important, as it induces habits of direct thought and concentration.
- Such waste as is involved in making drawings without the Universal Drafting Machine would not be tolerated in a modern shop or general office, and ought not to be tolerated in any drafting room.
- No draftsman ought to limit his effectiveness and, thereby, his future by drawing without it.
Send for catalog giving detailed information.
Universal Drafting Machine Co.
Cleveland, Ohio
— advertisement, in Machinery 21 (August 1915) : 117