putterings 144 < 145 > 146 index
a strawberry. a puuttering or sound
be faint or careless; to be out
rumbling, shuffling, or noise;
of favour ; to find cold com
Frägum, i. n, a strawberry.
a puuttering or sound of ap
fort; to have nothing to do or
OCR cross-column misread, and misread of “muttering,” at
A New Abridgment of Ainsworth’s Dictionary, English and Latin, for the use of grammar schools..., By John Dymock, LL.D., A New American edition, with corrections and improvements by Charles Anthon... (Philadelphia, 1859) : 132
NYPL copy
Robert Ainsworth (1660-1743), wikipedia
Charles Anthon (1797-1867), wikipedia