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all is puttering idleness, all is hysterical confusion

...where, according to one school of critics, all is puttering idleness and where, according to another, all is hysterical confusion.

ex Eric Sevareid, “A City within a Capital,” in his In One Ear : 107 snapshots of men and events which make a far-reaching panorama of the American situation at midcentury (1952) : 10
borrowable at archive.org : link

brief biographical note about, and four-page essay by Sevareid, in
Carmen Nelson Richards and Genevieve Rose Breen, Minnesota Writes : A collection of autobiographical stories by Minnesota prose writers (Minneapolis, The Lund Press, 1945) : 139-143
borrowable at archive.org : link

Eric Sevareid hasn’t crossed this mind in many years. Yet here he was, in North Dakota and Minnesota and among my puttererings. A quick glance through youtube refreshes ancient memory of his incisive, clearly expressed views on CBS television news, particularly around the time of the Vietnam War and, later, the Watergate events. I am sure he was too liberal for the family that was mine. The slight pomposity might have been a further irritant; he was a man of his time, I suppose.

Eric Sevareid (1912-92)
wikipedia : link

Eric Sevareid. Canoeing with the Cree (1935, 1968 reprint)
borrowable at archive.org : link

16 July 2024