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Which do you think is most alive?

Old Si Hicks

Some fellers call me lazy — well
      Maybe I am, but if I be
It’s up to them same folks to tell
      Where they’ve got th’ best of me,
What if I loaf a bit and sing
      Myself to sleep out in the sun —
Has ever God said anything
      Aginst a feller’s havin’ fun?
The banker toils away, and counts
      The dollars as they ramble in;
I take a sunlit path that mounts
      Up where the winds begin to spin.
The rich man from his weary toil
      Gets more than his two hands can hold;
I, freely from the common soil
      Grab violets and marigold.
Lazy? I reckon that is true;
      I loaf sometimes while others strive
But friends, I ask, betwixt us two
      Which do you think is most alive —
The man who bends his head so low
      He sees no sun along the sod,
Or he who, puttering, lazy, slow,
      Has time
to love the work of God?
                                                — Ex.

from Saturday Press 1:7 (November 5, 1927)
Exhibit 7 in
(34,977). Supreme Court of the United States, October Term, 1930. No. 91.
J. M. Near, Appellant, vs The State of Minnesota ex rel. Floyd B. Olson, County Attorney of Hennepin County, Minnesota.
Appeal from the Supreme Court of the State of Minnesota. Filed April 25, 1930. : 259-260
Harvard (Law) copy/scan (via google books) : link

interesting (and often repugnant) material here, from what was a significant case re: prior restraint of the press.

  1. LoC, Chronicling America, The Saturday Press (Minneapolis, Minn.) 1927-1936 : link
  2. The Saturday Press (Minneapolis)
    wikipedia : link

19 August 2024