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of a puttering poetaster or of a vacillating plaything in the hands of scheming women

...In either case she fails absolutely to convince us. For the plays of Shakespeare stand, in eternal refutation of any attempt to reduce him in stature to the pygmy level of a puttering poetaster or of a vacillating plaything in the hands of scheming women.
      Her portrait of Christopher Marlowe is even more anemically conceived.

ex Robert Allerton Parker his dismissive review of Clemence Dane, “Will Shakespeare : An Invention in Four Acts” at the National Theatre,
in “Drama, Imported Trivialities” in The Independent Vol. 110, No. 3824 (January 20, 1923) : 72-74 (73) : link
same (via hathitrust) : link
(where other volumes of The Independent are accessible).

  1. Robert Alerton Parker (1888-1970), his papers at the Bancroft Library
    BANC MSS 71/235 z : link
    the Biographical Sketch (via “collection details”) is interesting.

  2. but
    Winifred Ashton (“Clemence Dane,” 1888-1965), novelist, playwright...
    wikipedia : link

  3. and
    The Independent, “Devoted to the consideration of politics, of social and economic tendencies, of history, literature, and the arts”
    wikipedia : link

22 March 2025