all woolen samples removed. telegraph codes modern, modestly.

Tailoring of the Better Class. Showing the latest Pure Wool Fabrics & Models for the Fall & Winter Season 1921-22. J.L Taylor & Co. New York, Chicago.
Shown here and below are some of more colorful and even surrealistic assemblages encountered in this repurposed scrapbook, which dates from the late 1920s-early 1930s. I surmise that the pages were filled by more than one person, judging from the different aesthetics and abilities with scissors found herein. Someone may have orchestrated the project : removing wool samples, and providing some topical headings to tops of pages, and list of same in back.

The collage material includes, in addition to the underlying fashionplate images, material from magazines especially, including cartoon strips and advertising. Much of the color imagery is not of the rosette four-color process, but earlier — close to chromolithography in its glaze-like density.

bath, upper part of image shown immediately below

Not all pages are as colorful or suggestive as those shown here. Some are indiscriminately covered with pages from a harness company circular, for example.

careful placements ?

I stumbled on the item accidentally, because its eBay description mentioned telegraph codes. TJ No. 6097, Telegraph Code

May Dickinson's copy of Farm Life (June 1929), subscription through to September 1931, Norborne, Missouri.




The volume can be dated to 1924, 1929 and 1930 from dated clippings pasted in.

Guide to who did what pages? (inside back cover, detail)

The volume is approximately 16 inches wide, 23 inches high, 1 1/2 inches thick.