"Our Scrapbook," Ainsley C. Bennett (35) and Agnes Lauderback Bennett (36), commenced in 1943 (with their marriage, at those respective ages), and concluding in 1950. Some drawings, lots of Hallmark cards, some telegrams, photographs.

Acquired on misunderstanding that scrapbook contained numerous engineering drawings. Disappointment was tempered by discovery of photographs and other material pertaining to Southern California in the late 1940s.
One clipping (regarding a furlough with Agnes's parents, describes Ainsley as an "instructor of electricity with the maintenance engineers."

He 18, she 19 at the time?

N. O. for New Orleans, one presumes.

Results in "Hooked!!, July 18, 1943" and several pages devoted to engagement cards, telegrams, some photos

1948; WPA era ? stoves, familiar to me from our own camping trips to Buckhorn — in Angeles National Forest, in the mountains separating the Los Angeles Basin from the Mojave Desert — in the 1950s, early 60s.
Stacey wears the wrong shoes.