writing across a fold
Stereoscopic Photo-Micrograph of an ink line, one one-hundredth of an inch wide, over a paper fold, showing unmistakably that the folding preceded the writing.
(slightly) cropped, border replaced, levels unchanged
ex Albert S(herman) Osborn (1858-1946 *). Photography and Questioned Documents. Rochester, 1907
Harvard Law School copy, digitized January 31, 2008
βIn any inquiry where it is desirable to show depth or solidity, [the stereographic photo-micrograph] is of very great value. Such questions arise regarding the sequence of crossed lines, or which was last written, and also as to whether a writing across a fold preceded or followed the folding of the paper, which is sometimes a question of vital importance...β
p 18
tags: folds; crossed lines; lines; questions of vital importance
A. S. Osborn, Photography and Questioned Documents (1907)