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M. B. Levick

M. B. Levick was not William “Bill” Levick, a paste-up man and writer of Comments at The New Yorker. He was not Milnes Levick (1825-1897), English-born American actor, emigrated to the U.S. in 1851. He was noy Edwin Levick (d1929), who came to the U.S. to translate Arabic for a bank before shifting to photography, most famously of racing yachts, and whose credits appear frequently in the New York Times.

These “not”s are a record of earlier failed searches.

He was Milnes Bartling Levick (1887-1946) / occupation : artist and writer (findagrave), born in San Franciso (this makes sense, in terms of his earlier publications). There may have been two wives: Rose (Anita Lanigan) Levick (1889-1956), with whom there were three children (including Lionel who was killed in the Spanish Civil War); and Frances Woodward (Tyler) Levick (1888-1961) in 1919 (findagrave); she too was a writer (less is found).

The range and volume of M. B. Levick’s writing astonishes (me). His longer pieces delve into history (one imagines he was a habitué of the NYPL Reading Room), without losing a light touch. Some of his pieces in The New York Times (on jaywalking, women’s shoes, spending on cosmetics, Gloucester fishing) are cited in later scholarship and other writing. He seems to like the sea and ships and the waterfront; he writes about walking (in addition to jaywalking).

For completeness’s sake, I list (with links, regardless of paywall) writings by Levick; I do not contend that the list is complete.

Levick’s byline is always “M. B. Levick” in the New York Times; and is “Milnes Levick” or “Milnes B. Levick” elsewhere. He may also have written under the pseudonym “Joseph Bibb, Jr.”

The writings are sorted chronologically, within these sections —
early writing (California; Smart Set, The Mentor, Everybody’s Magazine, etc.), and other than New York Times
New York Times (mainly special articles, 1923-1935)
New York Times (“Stranger than Fiction,” 1925)
This Is The Master Race : A Gallery of German Portraits (1945)


early and other non-New York Times (California)

  1. 1911 06
    M. B. Levick, “The God on the Desk.”
    Overland Monthly, An Illustrated Magazine of the West 57:6 (June 1911) : 620-622 : link
  2. 1911-1912
    several titles in the Sunset Magazine Homeseekers’ Bureau series, 1911-12 (for the counties of Fresno, Madera, Mariposa, Mendocino, Modoc, Monterey, Nevada, Sacramento, Sonoma, Sutter and Tulare).
    all available via hathitrust : link
  3. other articles for Sunset Magazine.
    Index numbers (in parentheses) are from Sunset Magazine, A Century of Western Living, 1898-1998 : Historical Portraits and a Chronological Bibliography of Selected Topics (Stanford, 1998)
    asterisked items are in advertising supplements to the respective issues.
    links are to hathitrust (University of Chicago) —

    Mines for Mendocino Farmers. Sunset 27:3 (September 1911) : 347-348
    Lindsay. Sunset 27:3 (September 1911) : 351-352
    Fortunes in Free Lands. Sunset 27:6 (December 1911) : 711-712
    Sacramento County — The Heart of California. Sunset 28:2 (February 1912) : 247-250
    Tucson, Old and New. Sunset 28:3 (March 1912) : 384-385
    Kern — A County of Wonders. Sunset 28:4 (April 1912) : 503-506
    Secrets of Sutter’s Prosperity. Sunset 28:4 (April 1912) : 511-512
    The Rich Resources of Siskyou County. Sunset 28:4 (April 1912) : 635-638

    A Maker of New China. Sunset 28:5 (May 12) : 599-601; 599-601 (same, at google books)
    — profile of Ng Poon Chew (伍盤照, 1866-1931), editor of Chung Sai Yat Po of San Francisco, the first Chinese daily in America. more at and via wikipedia

    Sonoma — The County of Fertile Valleys. Sunset 28:6 (June 1912) : 767-770
    Modoc County — A Schoolboy Sounds the New Keynote. Sunset 29:3 (September 1912) : 347-348
    Yuba’s Yield of Bounty. Sunset 29:3 (September 1912) : 349-350

    A Man with Three Thousand Monuments. Sunset 30:1 (January 1913) : 93-95
    in series “Interesting Westerners,” profile of Andrea Sbarboro, who founded an agricultural colony at Asti (Sonoma County) —
    “Italian Swiss Colony was a 19th and 20th-century American wine company and brand... [and] at one time the leading wine producer in California.” (wikipedia)

  4. 1912 02
    M. B. Levick, “A Revolt in Manhattan” (illustrated by H. J. Turner)
    The Masses 3:1 (February 1912) : 271-272
  5. 1912 08
    M. B. Levick, “Awards at Dusk,” in The-Color-of-Life section
    The Masses 4:2 (August 1912) : 16 : link
    on a seller of hair-nets that are, in fact, the buyers’ fates
  6. 1915
    M. B. Levick, “The Glory of War”
    Life no. 66 (July 8, 1915) : 58-59 : link
    wears his G. A. R. emblem etc., talks about his days in the army, Antietam etc., but in fact was rejected for poor eyesight. his entire life spent dissembling thus.
  7. 1917
    M. B. Levick, “The Architect and the Shipbuilding Industry”
    The Architect and Engineer of California 54:1 (July 1918) : 48-53
  8. 1919 06
    Milnes Levick, “Growing Pains”
    The Smart Set 59:2 (June 1919) : 127-128
  9. 1919 06
    Milnes Levick, “Wings in the Mesh” (a colloquy in one act)
    The Smart Set 59:3 (July 1919) : 95-103
  10. 1919 09
    Milnes Levick, “Music in the Desert”
    The Smart Set 60:1 (September 1919) : 103-109
  11. 1919 10
    Milnes Levick, “In Court”
    The Smart Set 60:2 (October 1919) : 123-124
    same number, Willa Sibert Cather, “Her Boss” 95-108
  12. 1919 12
    Milnes Levick, “A Jest in the Household”
    The Smart Set 60:4 (December 1919) : 126-128
  13. 1923 09
    M. B. Levick “How Shakespeare’s Theater Looked”
    The Mentor 11:8 (September 1923) : 38
    follows Algernon Tassin, “This is a Shakespeare Year” pp 30-35 and J. Pennington, “Going to a Show in 1623” 36-37
  14. 1924 04
    M. B. Levick, “The Oldest Medical Book in the World”
    The Mentor 12:3 (April 1924) : 52 : link

    The same number includes Joseph Bibb, Jr. “Where did the life of man begin? Science taps one of the great reservoirs of four-footed life” (50-51)
    Joseph Bibb, Jr. may be a pseudonym of M. B. Levick; see LoC Catalogue of Copyright Entries (1927) for “It’s all in your head: a comedy in four acts” (April 10, 1926) : link

  15. 1925 07
    M. B. Levick, “Why Children Lie”
    What scientific inquiry has discovered about the reasons for lying. Mrs. Eugenie Andruss Leonard traced six hundred “whoppers” told by normal, healthy children. She tells how to correct a habit that underlies all other childhood sins
    Everybody’s (53:1 (July 1925) : 89-94 : link
  16. 1925 09
    M. B. Levick, “Salvaging Women’s Idle Hours”
    Ten thousand women have found part time jobs through Miss Eleanor Adler. Her experience is rich in suggestions for the woman who wants to sell her spare time, profitably
    Everybody’s 53:3 (September 1925) : 88-92 : link
  17. M. B. Levick, “Are You Miscast?”
    Science has discovered a way for keeping round pegs out of square occupational holes. There are tests to determine whether you are fit for your work or are competing in a field for which you have no ability.”
    Everybody’s 53:6 (December 1925) : 115-119, 170 : link
    same (University of Michigan copy, at hathitrust)

    return to top

    New York Times

  18. 1923 04 08
    Decline and Fall of the American Social Novel
    The New York Times : section BR, page 2 : link
    Frank Norris the apogee; giving way to writers in the province of the individual — Sherwood Anderson, Willa Cather, Frank Hergesheimer — and “the new gods from Ireland who care not a straw for the sweeping lines of social exteriors”
  19. 1923 04 15
    Last of Harlem’s Country Seats
    The New York Times : Sunday Magazine, page 10 : link
    on the Watt Mansion and the family history/fortune behind it; photos by Edwin Levick
  20. 1923 06 03
    The Come-Back of the Cat : A million angoras a year for England, America and points west — perhaps
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 3 : link
  21. 1923 06 10
    Submen or Supermen? : Experts’ composite judgement finds the race very slightly changed in fifty centuries
    The New York Times : Sunday Magazine, page 6 : link
    from interviews with Franz Boas, James Harvey Robinson, Everett Dean Martin, Rudolf Pinter, Edward J. Kempf, John B. Watson, Albert T. Poffenberger and Bruno Oetteking
  22. 1923 07 08
    The Why of a Million Golfers : On 2,200 links, Worth perhaps $125,000,000, all sorts of Americans are playing the Scotch game
    The New York Times : Section BR, page 8 : link
  23. 1923 06 15
    Reminiscences of a Ticket Chopper : Andrew Smith, forty-three years in service on “L” stations, looks backward over his life’s spectacle
    The New York Times : Book Review and Magazine, page 10 : link
    “Ticket choppers were new in 1880”
  24. 1923 07 22
    When Infant Prodigies Grow Up : Some of them who did are Confucius, Caesar, Milton, Galileo, Beethoven and Voltaire
    The New York Times : Book Review and Magazine, page 11 : link
    “He dictates his homework to a stenographer”
    “Two or three years ago poets and novelists not yet in their teens became so numerous”
  25. 1923 08 05
    Paintings Under the Sea : Art in a diver’s suit ten fathoms down
    regarding Walter Howlison Mackenzie “Zarh” Pritchard (1866-1956), a British-American artist, known for painting underwater landscapes while underwater, using a diving suit and waterproof materials.
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 15 : link
    Margaret Cohen, “Underwater Optics as Symbolic Form,” in French Politics, Culture & Society 32:3 (Winter 2014)
  26. 1923 08 12
    Honorable Company of Pilots : The picked me that bring the ships up the bay
    “The master of the ship is responsible, still when the pilot comes aboard he lets the pilot alone”
    The New York Times : Book Review and Magazine, page 15 : link
  27. 1923 09 09
    Pursuit of the Elixir of Life : Dr. Steinach’s predecessors had recipes for changing old men into young in 1600 B. C.
    The New York Times : Sunday Magazine, page 15 : link
  28. 1923 10 14
    “King’s Cury” : On the first Right Royal Cook Book of Old England
    The New York Times : Sunday Magazine, page 13 : link
  29. 1923 11 11
    History in Slogans : Phrases that have overshadowed issues and won and lost elections
    The New York Times : Sunday Magazine, page 2 : link
    “Even ‘the Big Stick’ says little unless it is helped out by the cartoonists.”
    “The ideal General must have a good sense of the theatrical.”
  30. 1923 11 25
    Hermits of the Inhabited City : Better than the isolation of waste places is the solitude of the crowd . Skeches made from life by Norman Borschardt
    The New York Times : Sunday Magazine, page 2 : link
    “Your forthright hermit needs little.”
    “Well dressed, yet none the less solitary in spirit.”
    “The recluse is not necessarily an ascetic.”
  31. 1923 12 23
    Ladies of Godey’s Lady’s Book : The Type has very slightly changed since this first of American women’s magazines
    The New York Times : Sunday Magazine, page 9 : link
  32. 1923 12 23
    The Nose Test for Cities : And the particular smell of New York among all other cities
    The New York Times : Sunday Magazine, page 2 : link
    “It was of just such intangible nothings that the most celebrated odor of all was compounded.”
  33. 1924 01 06
    First Editions Freshly Laid : Rare book collecting brought within the reach of every one
    The New York Times : Book Review, page 2 : link
  34. 1924 02 03
    Consider the Head Waiter : He is a figure of majesty, but under the severity of his white bosom there beats a heart
    The New York Times : Sunday Magazine, page 2 : link
  35. 1924 03 02
    On the Beach : When sailormen come a shore and get into the agony book
    The New York Times : Sunday Magazine, page 4 : link
    on the American Seamen’s Friend Society, for overview see Records of the American Seamen’s Friend Society at G. W. Blunt White Library, Mystic Seaport
    Manuscripts Collection 158 : link
  36. 1924 03 09
    The Long, Long Mongol Trail : A track of camel and pony footprints, beaten hard in the sparse traffic of a hundred centuries.
    The New York Times : Sunday Magazine, page 7 : link
  37. 1924 04 13
    The Canal Boats’ Winter Sleep is Over : Soon the elephantine fleet will leave Coenties Slip for points north
    The New York Times : Sunday Magazine, page 8 : link
    much about the end of the tow path and horses on the Erie Canal...
          “Still, you intimate consolingly, there are compensations in the life—after all a canal boat is a canal boat and—
          Forthwith you are plunged into a maze of technicalities. A canal boat just a canal boat, forsooth? Why, look here, and there, and that on in the corner of the dock. There they rest, snub-nosed and placid. But there are an infinite diversity. Should collectors ever take to gathering models of canal boats, as now they hunt frigates and barkentines, there will be material enough for whole museums...”
  38. 1924 04 27
    The New Superman in the Making : Five portents among New York’s million and a quarter of school children
    The New York Times : Sunday Magazine, page 4 : link
    on the identification and education of exceptional and “hyper-exceptional” children (five of them identified in a search of eight years)
  39. 1924 05 25
    Who Walks in City Streets : The infinite variety of peopled places is his and contempt of country hikers
    The New York Times : Sunday Magazine, page 6 : link
  40. 1924 06 08
    Immortal George : Thus is the Pullman porter dubbed Knight after him of the Dragon and of Mount Vernon
    The New York Times : Sunday Magazine, page 10 : link
    on calling Pullman porters “George” — a long musing on the name itself, its fittingness vs other names... its majesty, &c.
  41. 1924 06 15
    Little People’s City : The world of play at the feet of the grown-up world of work
    The New York Times : Sunday Magazine, page 8 : link
    on playgrounds (and studies devoted to their design and use); concludes with a discussion of tag, hide and seek, pass-in-corner, blind-man’s bluff... all instinctual, born of hunting games...
  42. 1924 06 15
    Reign of Beauty in Business : The office manager, or casting director, selects his girls as part of the harmony of the office picture
    The New York Times : Sunday Magazine, page 5 : link
    illustration caption —
    “Chosen for type, stature, manner and personality.”
    concludes thus
    “It may be that feminist noses will tilt up at all this and feminist voices assail the fact as a reversion to earlier periods when the world’s attitude toward women was more emphatically decorative than under the present order. But let the feminist nose tilt down again. Listen: there is a corporation in New York which insists also on a type standard for its men employes — for the outside men who travel in the city and beyond. The standard is more a mental matter than physical, it is true yet the successful applicants are, in the main, fellows of a definite style and any one of them might walk into a clothing advertisement and feel himself among his fellows. Which, perhaps, does no more than prove again that nature copies art.”
  43. 1924 06 22
    Who Walk in Darkness : Another world of sounds for the blind who move about the city
    The New York Times : Sunday Magazine, page 9 : link
    “reliance on "the ear, the nose, the tactile sense”
  44. 1924 06 29
    Tough Girl of New York Remains Only a Memory : With her steady, the Bowery Boy, she spieled across the stage thirty years ago, figured in song and story, then faded out
    The New York Times : XX, page 16 : link
    Stephen Crane’s Maggie (1893), Chimmie Fadden, Ada Lewis (seen in San Francisco, 1872-1925; photos at NYPL, e.g.).
    “The crest of the wave of homage rolled on and on but the Bowery itself was slipping into the trough of the sea, and there it was swamped. Places like McGurk’s Suicide Hall were still in existence twenty years ago or thereabouts, but before then the purlieus became what they had not been and decay spread... ¶ The pawnshops dropped into line and even the dime museums, though they held out till last, gave way... ¶ New York lost its coster in the act of discovering him...”
  45. 1924 07 13
    Men of Queer Trades : Pirates are on call and those who work magic and goldfish doctors
    The New York Times : Sunday Magazine, page 10 : link
    human fly, giant, sword walker... chaperons... faro dealer... nut cracker... ghost (writer)... the man who raises worms... the man whose trade is his street address (for mail, etc.), men who “make a living by merely letting their hair grow”
  46. 1924 07 17
    What Evil Days Have Fallen on Orthoepy! : No longer do battles rage over the penultimate or the antepenultimate
    The New York Times : Book Review, page 2 : link
    from the Greek ὀρθοέπεια, from ὀρθός orthos (“correct”) and ἔπος epos (“speech”). The antonym is cacoepy "bad or wrong pronunciation.” (wikipedia)
  47. 1924 07 20
    Brillat-Savarin, Master of Gastronomy : Patron shade of the club of one hundred and of all epicures
    The New York Times : Sunday Magazine, page 11 : link
  48. 1924 08 03
    The Confusion of our Sidewalkers : And the traffic problem of the future in the erratic pedestrian
    The New York Times : Sunday Magazine, page 6 : link

    This piece is mentioned here and there in the literature on urban walking and “jaywalking.” See in particular Maria Popova (and Wendy McNaughton), “The Four Types of Jaywalkers: An Illustrated Morphology of Bad Pedestrians circa 1924,” The Marginalian (September 26, 2013) : link

  49. 1924 08 24
    A Millennial Vista of Vanity Cases : Headlong with Heliodora’s in a long dead city by the Black Sea
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 10 : link
    no mention of the volume by H. D. (Hilda Doolittle, 1886-1961), that appeared with that title the same year (1924)
    but evidently prompted by “Greek Vanity Case of 500 B.C. Is Found In Tomb Unearthed in Southern Russia,” The New York Times (July 20, 1924) : 1 —
    Odessa, July 19 (Associated Press)
          One hundred and sixty ancient Greek tombs of striking design and rare archaeological interest have been unearthed in the dead city of Olyva, near here, by Professor Semenov Zusser, a distinguished Russian archaeologist.
          Among the articles found in the tombs was a small linen bag containing a mirror and believed to be the fore-runner of the present-day vanity case. In the bag there also were a rouge-stick for the lips and a charcoal pencil for the eyebrows. The bag was found in a woman’s grave with tufts of false hair and a number of silver bracelets, earrings, beads and other jewels...
  50. 1924 08 31
    Missing Ships : Romance culled from the bulletin of news for mariners
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 4 : link
    on the United States Hydrographic Office weekly Hydrographic Bulletin, listing icebergs, port facilities, new lights, missing buoys (“arranged from higher latitudes to lower”). The article elaborates on several such reports.
  51. 1924 09 28
    Hunting of the Swordfish : Deep-sea work and dangerous in order that New York may have a special tidbit
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 9 : link
  52. 1924 09 28
    “Hot Dog” Along the Corridors of Time : Our own cities are one with Antioch and Rome withtheir street cries and crowded traffic
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 2 : link
  53. 1924 10 12
    “Swamp” Has New Dean to Maintain Traditions : Richard Young succeeds the late G. W. Warner as longest in service in city’s oldest trade centre — Leather District’s 250 years of history
    The New York Times : X, page 7 : link
          “...all the early party annals bear the names of Swampers, and it was the Swamp that produced Charles A. Schleran, Mayor of Brooklyn, and Smith Ely, New York’s Mayor in 1877, and Gideon Lee, forty-odd years before Ely, and the last Mayor elected by the Common Council...”
          “Jay Gould takes his place among them (Swampers), along with Lorillard and Astor, the trapper. He had an office in Gold Street as agent for the New Jersey Patent Tanning Company of Newark, and he had a process for quick tanning... His was no casual interest in leather...”

    on the Swamp, “an area encompassing Gold, Frankfort, Pearl, Water, and Ferry Streets,” see Public Water, A Story About the NYC Drinking Watershed : Tanneries : link

  54. 1924 10 12
    Our Town and Its Folk
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
    Sixth Avenue (on the Sixth Avenue El)
    Goya in New York (two women carrying a settle)
    Too Many Masterpieces (an afternoon in the Met; the attendants and guards)
    Real Live Billboards (handpainted movie posters, in the Italian district “more appreciated than the gaudiest sixteen-sheet posters that could be lithographed”)
    M. B. Levick named at end of piece. (do not know if all in this series are by him : all)
  55. 1924 10 19
    Last Stand of Rural Manhattan : Inwood, the wild wooded tip of the island
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 2 : link
    wild dogs; names: Jesse R. Grant (son of Ulysses), W. H. Isham; James McCreery; J. A. Polhemus; A. R. Van Nest; A. J. Dovale; Marcus Childs.
    this is Viña Delmar territory, too : link
  56. 1924 10 26
    New York’s Most Accomplished Pirate
    The New York Times : XX, page 7 : link
    on Charles Gibbs (1798-1831), pseudonym of James D. Jeffers, notorious pirate : wikipedia
  57. 1924 10 26
    Our Town and Its Folk
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
    Flower market in Union Square; ticket sellers on the L; the “good old days” and the movies; Paolo and grape juice, accidental fermentation (under Prohibition); the “nice rich garbage” of the new tenants; a non-jaywalking grasshopper in Broadway between Forty-second and Forty-third
    N.B.: despite “M. B. Levick” result in NYTImes search, there is no by-line.
  58. 1925 01 18
    Stravinsky Sees Vision of a New Music : Player-piano, composer says, holds unplumbed possibilities in “polyphonic truth”
    The New York Times : Sunday Magazine, page 12 : link
  59. 1925 02 01
    Our Paint and Powder Bill Scrutinized : To account for its vast increase requires deep insight into the feminine heart, and profound knowledge of the arts and applied psychology
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 9 : link (title not indexed by NYTimes)
    one section headed “Not Right to be Pallid”

    this piece is discussed in
    Chani Marchiselli, “The Flapper and the Flâneur : Visuality, Mobility and the ‘Kineasthetic’ Subject in the Early Twentieth Century American Press (1920-1930)”
    Americana (The Journal of American Popular Culture) 13:2 (Fall 2014) : link

  60. 1925 02 15
    “Viewing with Alarm” Down the Ages: Our era of progress finds an ancient art at high development
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 9 : link
    on jeremiads, &c.
    captions to illustrations —
    “The evening nod is not as good as it used to be.”—Yours truly, Cain
    “What,” demands Demosthenes, “is the cause of our present passive disposition?”
    “There’s something rotten,” says Hamlet, and Noah replies, “I’ll tell the world.”
  61. 1925 03 01
    Inky War of the Leek and the Daffodil: Wales substitutes the emblem of unrequited love for the onion’s first cousin
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 14 : link
  62. 1925 03 29
    Cleopatra’s Asp Intrigues a Scholar : Death by a serpent’s tooth, he explains, made Egypt’s Queen into a goddess
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 14 : link
  63. 1925 04 19
    In the Hidden Gardens of Manhattan : Cultivation of backyards yields a variety of flowers and also some vegetables
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 12 : link
  64. 1925 04 03
    Dwellings of the City’s Water Babies : Harlem River houseboat colonists own their homes and enjoy the life
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 17 : link
    includes a rundown of locations: in the shelter of Fort George; more swarm in Sherman Creek; a whole string of them from 207th Street north; another colony athwart Inwood Hill, thirty or so.
  65. 1925 05 17
    New Recipe for Success Includes Luck : And a knack of doing things has helped to grow a large crop of millionaires
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 10 : link
    includes a rundown of locations: in the shelter of Fort George; more swarm in Sherman Creek; a whole string of them from 207th Street north; another colony athwart Inwood Hill, thirty or so.
  66. 1925 05 24
    Zones of Quiet in New York’s Clamor : They actually exist, but an expert immerses himself in noise till he can’t hear it
    The New York Times : Sunday Magazine, page 6 : link
  67. 1925 05 31
    College Graduate Looks at the World : Actor, policeman, cook — he has but to choose his profession when he gets his sheepskin
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 14 : link
    he ?
  68. 1925 06 07
    Lilting Limerick Returns to a Smiling World : Popular long ago with all classes, it can again count its votaries by thousands
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 4 : link
    Before the first broadcaster came into being the limerick was the sport of millions who could not tell a hemstitch from a holystone. The limerick knows nothing of reverence: even in the staid encyclopedia, flanked by “Limbo” and “Limitations, Statutes of,” the limerick thus pertly worms its way amid the profundities of ages :
          There was an old man who said, “Hush!
          I perceive a young bird in that bush.”
          When they said, “Is it small?”
          He replied, “Not at all!
          It is five times the size of the bush!”
  69. 1925 06 14
    Our Dead Ships Await the Wrecker : Left-overs of war and having once sailed the seas, the gather legends in the lee of storied Dunderberg — some are ready to answer a new call to ocean service
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 13 : link
    photo caption —
    The idle fleet in the Hudson off Caldwell’s Landing — seen through the trees
  70. 1925 06 28
    “Trifles” that Mold our Daily Life : Golf, rubber heels, movies, and other neglected phenomena that the social prophets must consider
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 15 : link
  71. 1925 07 05
    New York’s Oldest Squaw Bides at Home : She makes bead trinkets and dreams of the distant past — Indian customs still survive here
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 12 : link
    some extracts —
          As Mrs. Dibeaux talks she makes it clear why early settlers accounted Indian oratory an art. English is difficult for her, despite the sixty town years, but her mind is clear and her voice has something of richness in its inflection. Her old eye lights. She has the dramatic sense in her gestures. Sitting in the basement room, with street boys playing on the sidewalk well above her head, she points off over visionary wooded hills and green rivers which have not yet seen a steamboat as she tells of her wooing in 1845.
          Will she ever go back to the reservation? Mrs. Dibeaux smiles knowingly, “Don’t like it,” she says. “New York, stay here.” Ad with a quick hand movement she thrusts her hands, palms down, in a gesture of finality. "All alone,” she continues. “I like it. No trouble. Plenty Indian people Brooklyn.” A shake of the head. “No trouble.”
          Yet she has friends. One of these friends in White Fawn, whom the neighbors in West Forty-eight Street, near Ninth Avenue, know better as Mrs. Red Eagle. Dan Red Eagle is semi-official theatrical agent of the colony. If a wild tribe is needed for a picture, he calls on his friends and they gather for peace or war, according to the scenario.
  72. 1925 07 19
    Fog Is Still the Fisherman’s Nemesis : Death stalks the sturdy Gloucestermen when hidden liners slip across the Grand Banks
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 11 : link
  73. 1925 07 19
    Landmarks of New York Are Transitory : Familiar objects in this kaleidoscopic city become antiquities in one generation, then vanish
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 12 : link
  74. 1925 07 26
    Casting your Horoscope on a 1925 Model : The modern astrologer sits in a mahogany office and reads his client’s fate at various prices
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 2 : link
    clients want assurance, certainty, positivity...
    caption to one of the three illustrations —
          “A secretarial voice says on the telephone that appointments must be made”
  75. 1925 08 09
    Cigarette Invades Remote Frontiers : Lady Nicotine’s most seductive emissary is making triumphal march around the world
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 2 : link
  76. 1925 08 23
    The Faithful Donkey Is Passing : Mechanical world of today has little need for cantankerous Neddy, man’s philosophical companion and the burden-bearer of other ages
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 2 : link
  77. 1925 08 30
    Old Myths Defy the Light of Science : Sargasso Sea legend, discredited by Dr. Beene, dies hard, as do many other popular notions
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 11 : link
  78. 1925 09 13
    South Street Gives Up Relics of Past : Excavators unearth a sloop and many other reminders of days when New York was Dutch
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 6 : link
  79. 1925 09 13
    Our Moaning Saxophone Is Now Called Immoral : Whether or not it be guilty, at least it has achieved a new distinction and become a musical issue
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 2 : link
    paragraphs 2-7 —
          “Authorities in Washington a few days ago discovered an ordinance that prohibits indecent music, the penalty being arrest. Casting about to decide what is indecent music, they, or some of them, passed over the hand-organ, the Frisco whistle, the calliope and all those instruments which have a reputation to maintain, and hit like a plummet on the saxophone. The saxophone, said they, is nothing but a saxophone.
          ‘Any music played on a saxophone is immoral,’ decreed Sergeant Rhoda Milliken of the women’s bureau of the Washington police.
          ‘Not so!’ retorted Patrolman Clarence Talley. ‘It is a most estimable instrument, elevating and respectable if treated right.’
          ‘It isn’t!’ the other insisted.
          ‘But I play it myself and I ought to know!’ Patrolman Talley came back...”
  80. 1925 09 27
    Moving Day Vents A Primordial Urge : Migratory instinct of man, plus high rents and other things, lead him to seek a new roof
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 6 : link
  81. 1925 10 04
    Professional Laurels Attained by Amateurs : Sometimes disparaged, confused with novices, they have achieved signal victories in various activities — Many in current news — The vogue line of demarcation
    The New York Times : XX, page 7 : link
    many examples, including “A. H. Hawkins, a barrister full of hope” who becomes “Anthony Hope, author.”
  82. 1925 11 29
    Tricks in All Trades : Study is one
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 23 : link
    many examples (delicatessan man, actor, orchestra conductor, chef, motorman on the elevated...). excerpt — “Yet there are disappointments even on this long road of learning. The greengrocer masters his art, and then piebald plums begin to come at surprising seasons from Timbuctoo and Patagonia. The tobacconist acquires the whole philosophy of his wares, and men take to buying their smokes in chain stores, where clerks know only the labels. The pickpocket wins his way to mastery, and suddenly the lines put on one-man cars with closing doors and hardly the rudiment of a platform.”

    p.s. —
    “Tricks in All” Trades elicited a letter (to the contrary) from one Charles S. Wise, pointing to the systematic training given to staff by one chain store.
    Selling in Chain Stores : Clerks are trained and efficient, tobacconist declares
    (December 17, 1925) : 22 : link

  83. 1925 12 20
    Fame Most Durable Won in Cookery : Parker House Roll only one of many instances how a name may be preserved for posterity
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 12 : link
  84. 1926 01 24
    American Laughter Makes an Englishman Grave : His suggestion that British children be taught to grasp a joke raises a new vision of pedagogy
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 2 : link
  85. 1926 02 14
    Camera Used in Court to Record Emotions : Princeton laboratory also reads human faces — Salesmen instructed in the art of identifying expressions registered by prospective customers
    The New York Times : section XX, page 9 : link
  86. 1926 02 21
    Woman’s Dainty Footprint Has Grown Larger : She cannot wear the shoes that fitted her mother and grandmother and her ankles are thicker
    The New York Times : Magazine, page 4 : link

    This piece is referenced (I believe), in
    Elizabeth Semmelhack, “From Lawn Tennis to Eugenics: A History of Women and Sneakers,” Costume 53:1 (March 2019) : 92-93 : link (paywall)

  87. 1926 03 28
    Free Trade in Jazz Becomes a Mild Issue : British refusal to admit Ohio band leader stirs talk of retaliation in art — syncopation has cash value
    The New York Times : section XX, page 15 : link
    illustration : Paul Whiteman of Jazz Fame, “A caricature in wood by G. Bohn.”
  88. 1926 03 28
    Clansmen Defend the Bagpipe : Glasgow tempest finds echoes in the land of banjos and harmonicas
    The New York Times : section SM, page 2 : link
  89. 1926 04 04
    Talma, Pioneer Realist : Great French tragedian, who died a century ago, studied human emotions
    The New York Times : section M, page 16 : link
    on François-Joseph Talma (1723-1856), wikipedia
    “In Talma’s last audience there were 100,000 people, spread out all along the funeral route to the Cemetery of Père Lachaise.”
  90. 1926 08 01
    As a Hick Town New York Holds the Front Rank : “Third Avenoo,” who gives this dictum, has sold gewgaws to our gullible since cable-car Days
    The New York Times : section SM, page 8 : link
  91. 1927 07 10
    Apartment Size People Are in Demand : Science finds the city need of space leaves the fall and the weighty for the great open places — half portions wanted
    The New York Times : section SM, page 18 : link
  92. 1934 09 30
    Men of the Sea Join Labor Unrest : Many sailors now ‘on the beach’ complain of the existing wage and hire system
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
  93. 1934 10 07
    Trees Again Line the Curbs : New plantings, due to a revival of interest, are adding beauty to New York’s streets
    The New York Times : section M page 18 : link
    “There is a friendliness, if not a fraternity, in the observance of trees. Here, for instance, is a man striding along a street far uptown where once there were country estates. He passes two old ladies, then pauses. He is looking at a tree; it has heart-shaped leaves like those of the catalpa but immense. Now and then one sees this tree in Spuyten Duyvil. The man has never identified it. He turns over a lear a foot and a half long; looks for the long pods which have given the catalpa the name of Indian bean; scrutinizes the bark. The two little old ladies come up. They smile interestedly, say ‘Powlonia’ together as if it were a mystic signal. It is an oriental tree, named for Anna Pavlovna, daughter of Czar Paul I, and brought here long ago from the Far East.”
  94. 1934 10 28
    The City’s Water Is Closely Watched : Fishes in the pipes only one of many things that must be guarded against
    The New York Times : section XX page 2 : link
  95. 1934 12 30
    A Race of Hardy Week-enders Arises : Life in the open is now pursued all year
    The New York Times : Special section, page 12 : link
  96. 1935 01 06
    A Paradise of Ballyhoo : New York offers a wide field for the practitioners of the touting art
    The New York Times : section X page 11 : link
    (hawking, publicity, public relations, barkers, “stage and night club runner”)
  97. 1935 01 27
    Sea Cruises Show Gains : Wide variety of voyages and the reduction of rates are factors
    The New York Times : section X page 13 : link
  98. 1935 04 14
    Games and Puzzles Gain : Americans turn from Depression’s woes to devices in a bewildering array
    The New York Times : section PART page 9 : link
    runs through “recent craze for paper masks,” mahjong, crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, backgammon, Keno, anagrams, roulette, jackstraws, magic squares, chess
    seems pertinent to current (mid 2022) conditions — Sudoku and Wordle come to mind; so do computer games.

    return to top

    New York Times / Stranger than Fiction

    Articles in the “Stranger than Fiction” series were literary elaborations of news stories (or cable reports), and invariably concluded with an italicized footnote that provided a straight (non-literary) afterword. M. B. Levick was not the only writer in this series, others included S. T. Williamson, Bertram Reinitz, “J. C. Y.”. The ekphrastic format prefigures (I think) Levick’s last published work, his Gallery of German Portraits (1945).

    “So not only is ekphrasis not conceived as a form of writing dedicated to the ‘art object.’ but also it is not even restricted to objects. It is a form of vivid evocation that may have as its subject-matter anything — an action, a person, a place, a battle, even a crocodile. What distinguishes ekphrasis is its quality of vividness, enargeia...”

    Ruth Webb “Ekphrasis ancient and modern: the invention of a genre.” Word & Image 15:1 (January-March 1999): 7-18 (13) : link (at academia.edu)

  99. 1925 03 08
    Stranger Than Fiction
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
    story of Jacob Dreicer who with his wife founded Dreicer & Company, that engaged in pearls, jewelry and gemstones. based on affidavits filed by mother and daughter... in connection with appraisal of the estate.
    see Dreicer & Co., founded 1868 (Hancocks, London) : link
  100. 1925 03 22
    An American Marco Polo of Our Century       (Stranger Than Fiction)
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
    basis —
    Roy Scott Anderson died in Peking a few days ago. He spent most of his 46 years in China. America heard of him in the bandit train raid of 1923; China knew him as the master who had shing—the taste for the vernacular. In the words of a Chinese Governor, he knew more Chinese dialects, and more Chinamen, high and low, than any native in all the provinces.
    death notice, short bio at Time Magazine (March 23, 1925) : link
  101. 1925 03 29
    A Real-Life Story Like One of Poe’s       (Stranger Than Fiction)
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
    basis —
    The theme of the man walled up to starve was used by Poe in “The Cask of Amontillado” and by Balzac in “La Grande Brèteche.” A radiogram from Berlin a few days ago told of a Russian commissary employe who was found at Vilma after ten years in the cellar of a warehouse that had been wrecked by an explosion. He could not see nor hear nor speak. He died three days after the rescue and was buried with military honors.
  102. 1925 04 05
    An Arabian Night’s Thriller of Our Time       (Stranger Than Fiction)
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
    basis —
    Sheherazad’s story has been told in the form of testimony within the last few days in the magistrate’s court of Bombay. The defendants are nine men alleged to have tried to kidnap Mumta Begum and return her to the Majarajah of Indore, one of the richest of India’s native princes. In the attempt the girl’s new protector, Abdul Kadir Baula, was killed in his motor car. The nine were routed with clubs by four British officers returning from the golf links.
  103. 1925 04 12
    The Vision at the Village Inn       (Stranger Than Fiction)
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
    basis —
    The acceptance of a new prophet by the Styrian peasants near Gratz, as here revealed, is announced in a cablegram from Vienna. It says the frenzy and madness of religious hope, stupefying many after they behold God at services at an inn, has caused the police to attempt to prevent further meetings.
  104. 1925 04 19
    “A Deus ex Machina” in Real Life       (Stranger Than Fiction)
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
    basis —
    When the old Greek dramatists reached a situation from which there seemed no way out, they introduced the god from the machine — a god hovering (by stage mechanism) above the other actors and directing an arbitrary justice. One of the annual heroism medals of the American Red Cross has just been awarded to Joseph Lee, telephone repairman, of Findlay, Ohio, who tested a line at the precise moment the mother of a wounded boy was calling for aid. The physician, who could not have arrived from town in time to save the lad, joined in the commendation given to Lee.
  105. 1925 04 26
    An Action Story in a Public Library       (Stranger Than Fiction)
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
    basis —
    Henry J. Ferneke, sought three years on a charge of killing two men in a bank hold-up at Pearl River, N. Y., was arrested in a Chicago public library when a woman attendant, noticing his pistol pocket and his book on nitro-glycerine, asked the police to come and look at him. Ferneke is accused of a dozen big robberies aggregating $1,000,000. Ostensibly an electrician, he lived for a time near Pearl River with the wife of an accomplice, Saunders, who is now in prison in Illinois. The hunt for Ferneke was started when a Rockland school teacher told of the supposed electrician’s confusion when she mentioned the bank murders.
  106. 1925 05 10
    A Judge Goes Hiking       (Stranger Than Fiction)
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
    basis —
    Ex-Judge Dudley Kinsell of the Alameda County Superior Court, sitting at Oakland, Cal., returned to Oakland a few days ago after a 6,000-mile tramp to St. Augustine, Fla., and return. He walked two-third of the way and “bummed” rides the rest. That was his way of curing the effects of the stuffiness of the courtroom over which he presided until his resignation a few months ago. “I learned that the world is good and the people in it are good,” he said when he got back. At the age of 51, his expedition has convinced him that life is kindly.
  107. 1925 05 17
    Interpolated Tragedy       (Stranger Than Fiction)
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
    basis —
    Anna Karlinciu, 26, described as beautiful and reputed to be a Bulgarian secret agent, killed Todor Panizza, Macedonian leader, in a box at the Bug Theatre, Vienna, a week ago. She had become friends with him and his wife and invited both to the theatre, with the man’s sister and brother-in-law. Mm. Karlinciu told the police Panizza was so closely guarded no attempt on his life could be successful on the streets. Her shots wounded all the otheres in the box. Panizza, who carried two pistols, was the successor in leadership of four men assassinated in a year. The shots that killed him were not heard by the audience or were taken for a part of the play, which continued.
  108. 1925 05 24
    A Kentucky Fugitive       (Stranger Than Fiction)
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
    basis —
    The old man’s letter, quoted above, was received a few days ago by Chief of Police Frederick Link of Paris, Ky. It came from John Winchell of Rawlins, Wyo. The Paris police could find no memory of the affair that had shaped Winchell’s life. “You will probably not be molested if you return,” they wrote him.

    good story.
    “Nevertheless, he said nothing; it had become the habit of a lifetime to say nothing.”

  109. 1925 05 31
    The Half-pay Colonel       (Stranger Than Fiction)
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
    basis —
    Colonel John French was retired on half pay in 1893. His career seemed closed. Last Tuesday funeral honors were given him at Westminster Abbey as the Earl of Ypres. His second start came as narrated above and was followed by brilliant work in the Boer War, leading to titles, the rank of Field Marshal and supreme British command in the early part of the World War.
    John French, 1st Earl of Ypres (1852-1925) : wikipedia
  110. 1925 05 31
    The Half-pay Colonel       (Stranger Than Fiction)
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
    basis —
    Colonel John French was retired on half pay in 1893. His career seemed closed. Last Tuesday funeral honors were given him at Westminster Abbey as the Earl of Ypres. His second start came as narrated above and was followed by brilliant work in the Boer War, leading to titles, the rank of Field Marshal and supreme British command in the early part of the World War.
    John French, 1st Earl of Ypres (1852-1925) : wikipedia
  111. 1925 06 07
    A True Treasure Tale       (Stranger Than Fiction)
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
    basis —
    Such stories — folk lore, not fiction — were gathered in Mexico City by Thomas A. Janvier. His book, “Legends of the City of Mexico,” is a fragment of the medieval. A few days ago the wires brought word from another city, Orizaba, that Father Mateo, using a map given him by a dying Mexican, had found several bags of Colonial coins, manuscripts and some of the first books printed in Mexico. They were hidden in a tunned under a dwelling.
  112. 1925 06 21
    The Clue to Fortune       (Stranger Than Fiction)
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
    basis —
    Charles Soukoup, Baltimore motorcycle patrolman, has recovered the 1835 marriage certificate of his grandmother, as here related, through a picture’s chance fall. She was Elizabeth Nim, who was married to Henry Poston in New York by the Rev. Henry Chase on Jan. 24, 1835. Soukoup believes the document will prove his right to an English estate reputed to be worth nearly $1,000,000, which originally was willed by Ellen Brockton to her relative, Elizabeth Nim.
  113. 1925 06 28
    With the Last Bullet       (Stranger Than Fiction)
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
    basis —
    Lieutenant Lapeyre, according to a dispatch from Fez, blew up the blockhouse at Beni Derkoul, on the Moroccan front, when unable to resist further after a seige of eight days. He and his twenty two men perished, with many of the Riffians. His last message, sent when the ammunition was gone and the machine guns disabled, is that quoted above.
    that message —
    “The setting sun caught the blockhouse’s heliograph once more. ‘Enemy already in our barbed wire,’ it spoke to the unheeding hill. ‘Cannot hold out. We shall blow up the fort.’”
  114. 1925 07 05
    In Quest of a Pony       (Stranger Than Fiction)
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
    basis —
    The stepfather’s suit for the annulment of his second marriage is set for trial at Huntingdon, Pa., on July 8. He is Charles H. Chilcote. His first wife disappeared without explanation in 1905, after nine years. In 1917 Chilcote married Mazie McMullin, mother of four children. In 1907, it is alleged, his first wife married William Howard at Pittsburgh, giving her maiden name and saying nothing of her first marriage. Howard became a railroad machinist at Milwaukee and later settled his wife near her former home in Pennsylvania, visiting her twice a year. Though living close to each other Chilcote and his wife of twenty years ago did not meet till she answered his advertisement for a ony. His suit to annul his second marriage is opposed by his second wife, who says their prosperity is due to joint efforts. She maintains that only the first wife could sue for annulment, and says she became unwittingly a party to this amazing tangle only because Chilcote told her his first wife was dead.
  115. 1925 07 12
    In the Iceberg’s Grip       (Stranger Than Fiction)
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
    basis —
    The United States Shipping Board freighter Saugus, Captain A. G. Velten, Valencia for New York with a cargo of lemons and onions, docked at the foot of Milton Street, Brooklyn, after going through this experience off Cape Race. Captain Velten said that the Saugus was held held fast for an hour. Along the waterfront old seamen say they would have to think back a long time to find a story like it.
          “The steamer lay still and there was water between the stem and this second shadow towering forty feet above the radio antenna. The steamer lay dead, but did not sink. A miracle could do no more: the iceberg caught and held the flat keel on a sunken ledge.”
  116. 1925 07 19
    The Magic Photograph       (Stranger Than Fiction)
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
    basis —
    This preposterous tale has reached America as part of the routine news cabled from France. It may indicate that the manners of burglars are being affected by attendance on the movies. Anyhow, the French police hae a letter addressed to Mme. Hugette Duflos, formerly famous at the Comédie Française, in which an unknown burglar says he entered her country house in ignorance of its ownership, recognized her picture, abandoned his loot, promised to indemnify his accomplice and took only the photographs which told him of a goodness of heart worth of such radiant beauty.
  117. 1925 08 02
    A Salt Who Returned       (Stranger Than Fiction)
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
    basis —
    This is the story of John N. Neubert, real estate dealer, of Flint, Mich. He left a hospital at Ann Arbor on July 4. Five days later John Neubert, a seafaring man, registered at a New York sailors’ institution. Amnesia had cut the Michigan man’s life in half, throwing him back to the days when he followed the sea twenty-seven years before. His loss of memory is attributed to the results of fever suffered in India. He was found wandering on the Brooklyn waterfront.
  118. 1925 08 16
    The Mask That Fell       (Stranger Than Fiction)
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
    basis —
    The American in this l ittle story from life was Sigmund Rothschild of Texas, an oil man who, in 1923, bought a castle near Heidelberg. He related the incident on his arrival from Europe a few days ago. The waiter was Prince Serge Galatzin, once a landed proprietor living beside the Black Sea.
  119. 1925 08 23
    The Glamour of Fear       (Stranger Than Fiction)
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
    basis —
    The story of Gerald Chapman, New York mail bandit, is stranger than any tale of road agents spun by an imagination. Chapman, sentenced to die last June, a waits the hearing of his appeal by the Connecticut Supreme Court. Ben Hance, Indiana farmer, who turned up Chapman when he was wanted for murder in Connecticut, testified against him. Now Hance is dead, and his wife, shot down in the highway. In his deathbed statement he accused Dutch Anderson (pal of Chapman) who escaped from the Atlanta Federal prison while serving time for the New York mail hold-up.
    Gerald Chapman (1887-1926),
    “the first criminal to be dubbed ‘Public Enemy Number One’ by the press,” executed by the so-called upright jerker : wikipedia
  120. 1925 08 30
    Etiquette and Wings       (Stranger Than Fiction)
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
    basis —
    This was the jaunt made by Captain Arrachart, French ace, who got lost in the Sahara last Spring. His guest was M. Carol, aeronautical engineer. Breakfast at Paris, Monday; keep Monday dinner engagement in Constantinople; dine Tuesday in Moscow; dine Wednesday back in Paris — that was their schedule, and they followed it, covering 4,750 miles in 39 hours 15 minutes flying time, and never late except for the five minutes at the end. The trip seems to convey that sense of ease with which Jules Verne endowed his prodigies.
  121. 1925 09 13
    The Rock That Split       (Stranger Than Fiction)
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
    basis —
    The story of the wave and the little boy was told into the microphone while it was taking place. It was told from the Bowdoin, Arctic flagship of the Donald B. MacMillan expedition, which, at the moment the berg split, was in radio communication with Australia and New Zealand, as she had been for several weeks.
    in short —
    iceberg splits, the wave unleashed carries a boy, sitting on a rock, out to sea, where he is retrieved by a vessel that fortuitously was near; the whole reported live via wireless. The boy looks forward to return of Winter, “when there would be no open water to splash into a great wave...”
  122. 1925 09 20
    A Noble Tenderfoot       (Stranger Than Fiction)
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
    basis —
    Oliver H. Wallop, ranchman of Sheridan County, Wyo., once a cowboy and for forty years a ranch owner, is now the Earl of Portsmouth, having inherited the title through the successive deaths of two brothers. The eighth Earl is an American citizen, with an American family, and is a former member of the Wyoming Legislature. He knows more about breaking horses and the weight of a steer off the grass than about the lass practical animalls of heraldry.
    Oliver Wallop, 8th Earl of Portsmouth (1861-1943), wikipedia
  123. 1925 09 27
    Scrambled Conspiracy       (Stranger Than Fiction)
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
    basis —
    What does it all mean? This impressionistic story is taken, incident by incident, including the rumored titled Englishman, from sober London cablegrams that have been telling the tribulations of Mme. de Casares, part owner of the rum ship General Serret. She says she owns the vessel, not the cargo, the value of which has been estimated at $25,000 to $350,000. Machinations are alleged to have caused the vessel to put into Dover for nominal repairs. She was taken to London by the British Government, the crew filed wage claims, and a shop caused the arrest of Mme. Casares, who was once in the movies and is now the wife of a rich Argentinian. She is said to contemplate a return to the films.
  124. 1925 10 04
    A Prince Turns Hermit       (Stranger Than Fiction)
    The New York Times : XX, page 2 : link
    basis —
    “Mr. A.,” a protagonist of the alleged $750,000 blackmail plot of 1919, that came out in the English courts last year, was heir presumptive to his Highness Sir Pratab Singh, Maharajah of Jammu and Kashmir. The death of the old maharajah a few days ago was regarded as advancing “Mr. A.” — Sir Hari Singh, rajah — toward the throne, despite his embarrassing adventures, approval of the heir resting with the British. When the old ruler died the “Mr. A.” of London and Paris was living the penitential life of a hermit.
    Maharaja Hari Singh, the last monarch from the Royal House of Jammu and Kashmir. : wikipedia
    “The Blackmail Case,” at Maharaja Sir Hari Singh (1895-1961) : wikipedia

    return to top

    This is the master race

  125. 1945
    This is the master race : a gallery of German portraits / Text and drawings by Milnes Levick.
    New York, B. Ackerman incorporated [1945], [32] p. illus. 25 cm.
    D804.G4 L4 (LC entry)

    dedication —
    To my son Lionel / and those who died with him in Spain / the first to fight Fascism

    Gustavus Lionel Levick (1914-1937).
    Father Milnes Levick (1887-1943 [incorrect]), Mother Rose Anita Lanigan (1889-1956)...
    Freelance writer and store clerk; CP 1936...
    Killed in action October 13, 1937, Fuentes de Ebro.
    Siblings: brother Robert Bartling Levick (1912-1969), sister Ada Roslyn (1908-1992).
    source: The Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives : link
    Anita a first wife?

    “The volume contains 24 drawings, in large format. The brief text accompanying each drawing is based on contemporary newspaper accounts.” — from dustjacket.

    The book is unpaginated. Scans of the portraits are shown below. (I have not sought permission, and would not know where to begin. Will remove if copyright holder requests that I do so.)

    Leopold Wolfgang Heinisch       1/24

    Dietrich Balder Schluck       2/24

    Emil Karl Fiebig       3/24

    Frau Oberst-leutenant Eugen Watzlik       4/24

    Gregor Gundelach       5/24

    Ernst Karl Hanebitter       6/24

    Tante Lisbeth       7/24

    Nikolaus Siepmann       8/24

    Erich Alvensleben (aged 13)       9/24

    Gustav Hohlbaum       10/24

    Frau Gertrude Rabald       11/24

    Victor Septimus Emil von Achenbach of Saxony       12/24

    Kaspar Geib       13/24

    Oskar Rabensonfer       14/24

    Fräulein Dorchen Salp       15/24

    Matthias Fuhse       16/24

    elsewhere in volume (half-title page) the stamp
    “From The Library Of / Herzl S. Eisenstadt / To Which This Book Should Be Returned”

    Fräulein Hedwit Rieth       17/24

    Hinz Picht       18/24

    Anna Stoss       19/24

    Edi Huch       20/24

    Otto Blunck       21/24

    Egid Amerling       22/24

    Alix Maulpartsch /       23/24

    Ludwig Link       24/24

    The book is similar in tone — because of its use of news accounts (“Only the names and characters in this book are fictitious”) — to Bertold Brecht’s War Primer (Kriegsfibel), which uses photographs not drawings : link

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22 July 2022