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If I could say you “No!” ; cinders of some angry fire, puttering with lies

Samuel :
                                    If I could say you “No!”
I preened myself as wise, but was most stupid
Of all the dull stupidity called man.
For, puttering with lies, I missed the truth:
The element, — the one supreme essential...
Would you were cinders of some angry fire!

ex Jesus ; The tragedy of man by Odin Gregory (pseudonym of Joseph G. Robin)
New York : Colony Pub. Co., [1923] : 128
Ohio State U copy/scan (via google books) : link
same (via hathitrust) : link

The Jesus work evidently was reviewed by J. Ranken Towse in the New York Evening Post; I cannot find that review, but do find Odin Gregory’s response to that review in the August 2, 1924 issue of that paper, in which he takes issue with the charge that it “smacks strongly of anti-Semitic prejudice...”
NYS Historic Newspapers : link

Towse dispatches Robin’s energetic response with efficiency : transcription at 455b

Joseph G. Robin (1876-1929)
“frenzied financier,” bank-wrecker, parent disowner, brother (of eminent “psychociacist“ and sometime ally Louise G. Robinovitch); later, poet

having outgrown this page, findings on Robin and his sister are now at 455a and (for longer transcriptions) 455b

5 August 2024