John McVey


current/recent activity : 

Florida (Pier) Scott-Maxwell : overview (2023, ongoing)
Jean Lyon : overview (2023, ongoing)

putterings : derivations (2022-ongoing, at asfaltics)

garden archive (overhaul in progress, 20240225)
directory of digitized codes, transcriptions (overhaul in progress, 2024)

material, metaphor. P.J.M. Larrañaga, &c. : link (neglected)

hardware stores | in literature, art, memoirs, &c.
catalog | overall directory to the above (in progress, 20230402)
McVey Hardware | family history, &c.

telegraphic codes and message practice
recent developments (and news)
directory of digitized codes, transcriptions
notes from presentation (November 2022) : link


  1. Mutilation Odes, The Tables, What New Fangled Notions   /   pdf
  2. Trench Code Variations  /   pdf
  3. Centones / Derivations   /   directory     /   pdf
  4. a strange) mixture of all sorts : link
    derivations from John Macdonald’s Telegraphic Dictionary (1817) : pdf vols 1, 2 and 3
  5. jama262468     (October – December 2016)
    JAMA derivations.2 (2023)
  6. putterings (2022-23, ongoing)

other and elsewheres

asfaltics (tumblr)
asfaltics (archive)

puutterings (tumblr)
putterings (archive)

shed one (tumblr)
shed one (archive)
flickr | deleted 20221018, restored 20221121
catatan | defunct blog (archive)
pinboard | bookmarks

pomes | older & other   (reformatted 2016)
index rerum | John Todd’s personal reading index system

archives | older, defunct, embarrassments, &c.; also, teaching
